Diary September 2008 ~ We flew to
to Bordeaux and hired a car to get to our base in the Lot
Department of southern France. I have spent very little
time in France, and despite doing the obligatory seven years
of French at school, have retained very little of the
language, so I was a bit more dependent on Dave this
trip. He camped and drove about the Continent with his
late first wife and their girls, whereas I went to Germany and
then the US with my late first husband, so I had to bow
(reluctantly) to his superior knowledge. We did struggle
a bit, English wasn't widely spoken - despite the Brit enclave
in the nearby Dordogne - but with hand signals, Franglais and
German we managed to arrange taxis to pick us up from the end
of our daily walks and eat.
had lovely weather, and the walking was a real pleasure.
As usual, we saw very few other people on our rambles and the
villages and countryside were sleepy in the hazy
sunshine. Armed with good maps, we found the trails very
well marked and the going was pretty easy in the main.
We started at the bastide town of Bretenoux, which is a town
with a medieval heart on the busy D803 and soon struck off up
the hill in the direction of Château de Castelnau.
It really was perfect walking weather - no wind at all and no
humidity. We meandered across the Bave valley which is
very rural; most of the farms and houses had at least a few
rows of grapes tucked away somewhere. The Château was a
quirky place; triangular in shape to fit the hill it was built
on, but very interesting in its history. From the
original Barons of Castelnau who dominated the valley, it
ended up in the hands of a Comique Opèra tenor and his wife
who devoted themselves to preserving the castle. You can tour
the interior, which is fascinating with relics of this
would-be baron abounding. This region is Quercy, the
original name for the Department, and the castle gives you a
feel for the times it lived through - the Hundred Years War,
the religious wars between the Huegenot and the Catholics;
when the English and the French fought and died in the quiet
fields that surround the elevated castle.
walked on across the valley, and I was amused to note that
tobacco is grown and dried here; somehow I always think of
tobacco as growing on far off plantations. Although we
always carry water with us, I will never pass up the chance to
purchase an ice-cold beer (and you can usually use the loo
then as well), and we stopped in immaculate Autoire for a
rest. This village is one of the plus belle villages in
France, and is terribly picturesque and very traditional with
typical Quercynois architecture. I love the slightly
run-down aspect of France; they will let a building fall to
bits, but by placing a vibrant geranium or other plant
artistically, somehow it all looks rather meant-to-be and you
forgive them. Autoire is not very big and we set off
again, refreshed, towards the steep climb we knew we had to
reach the top of the Circque de Autoire and walk on the Causse
de Gramat. It's a limestone cliff and there is no way
round it - you go up. I just pace myself, and our pace
is pretty slow given that we are filming, so I don't get out
of breath, despite being asthmatic. I was grateful for
the wooden ladders though; I didn't fancy scrambling up the
cliff and the views from the top were well worth it.
walk on the Causse now, and the lanes in dappled sunlight,
flanked with moss covered limestone walls are very
pleasant. We pass the first of the stone wayside
crosses, which reminds you that you are walking on ancient
paths of pilgrimmage. At Loubressac, which is another
pretty village overlooking the valley, you can look back and
see the crenellated outline of the Château de Castelnu
silhouetted on its little triangular hill in the distance,
shining redly in the warm sun. Loubressac, another of
the Lords of Castelnau strongholds, is built on a spur of rock
and you descend through woods to the valley floor, before
climbing back up. Then it's another descent towards the
river Dordogne, which has been pretty elusive in our vistas,
before going up again to Carennac - this I found rather
pointless, but I have to say it's all very pleasant and
unhurried. There was a crossroads where we could go down to
the Gouffre de Padirac, the system of caves and underground
river, before going on to Carennac, but the day was getting
late and we decided we would drive to the Gouffre on a
separate day.
caves at Padirac are well worth a visit; I always like to go
underground (no, I am not a pot-holer!) and the journey in the
flat bottomed boats on the underground river is a delight, and
the guides are very well informed and keep up a seamless
stream of information.
liked Carennac very much; in fact, I think I liked it the best
of the plus belle villages. I like honey coloured stone;
it gives the impression of warmth, and the Benedictine Priory
was really rather special, particularly the church of St.
Pierre. Carennac is larger than the other villages, and
has a few artisans and also accommodation. I did
actually wish we had stayed there instead. But we caught
a taxi back to our accommodation, and started from Carennac
again in the morning. The walk through the valley around
Floirac is lovely, and full of plums. There is a
festival 'des prunes' every year, and you can learn all you
want to know about plums
- and some things you didn't. Montvalent is up on the
cliffs, but the climb up is gentle, and it's a pretty little
settlement on the bend of a road. There is even a town
hall in this little place and a roadside vendor plying passing
trade with the key products of this region - pate de foie gras
and the famous goats' cheese.
Montvalent, we walked past the white cross and then followed
more grassy lanes which were more open towards the Alzou gorge
where the religious city lies. Lots of butterflies in
this open area, even a Praying Mantis, which we spotted in the
long grass. The last part of the walk to L'Hospitalet,
the sanctuary village before Rocamadour was a disappointing
road walk which did, however, give us a chance to pick up the
pace and stride out a little better than we had
is a funny place; rather strewn along the edge of the
limestone cliff of the gorge, with plenty of accommodation and
eateries, and the Tourist office is located there, as well as
some caves.
We finished our walk there, and came back the next day to
explore Rocamadour, which clings spectacularly to the side of
the gorge. Yes, there are lots of tourists, but these
are a different kind of tourist, I think. This is
primarily a religious site, and there is a lack of shouting,
talking loudly or bad behaviour. People don't walk about
in hushed mode, but it seemed to me that it was generally
accepted that misbehaving was definitely 'out'. We
talked to the Abbé of Rocamadour, a youthful, enthusiastic
young priest called Ronan, who is determined to bring people
back to his city on the rock. A delightful, energetic
cleric whose cheerful absolute faith is a joy to behold, and
inevitably brings a smile to your face. He wants to
encourage people of all denominations to come to Rocamadour
and visit the Chapel of the Black Madonna; he believes
fervently that it is difficult not to believe in God at
Rocamadour. We followed the candlelit procession from
L'Hospitalet down to Rocamadour, along the ancient holy road,
mindful that this sight would have been almost heavenly to
those pilgrims of long ago.

your experience
Debra at: