
Gallery Page 11

Buck Naked in the Morning

Playing around with the light here.


Early Visitors to the Garden

I've delved into making my own atmosphere here (the sky) and decided to add some items to show it off. I had a difficult time getting the light to reflect the way I wanted it to, but this finally came together.


Twin Falls

I'm not that happy with this one, but I was trying to figure out how to add fog and waterfalls.

Twin Falls

Protecting the Village

Several new things for me here. I've posed my character interacting with another item - the balloon. I've then used another of my images as the background.

Protecting the Villiage

Defending the Homeland

Here I've tried a much more difficult pose for the character and had to really work to align her with the airship correctly.

Defending the Homeland

The Dragon Fly King

Each dawn the Dragon Fly King comes out to greet his loyal subjects.

This is the most objects I've ever tried adding to one of my scenes. I kept the background rather plain to show off the light reflecting on all the wings.

Dragon Fly King


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