Jackson Soloist -- The Story behind the Sword Princess Graphic The guy I bought the guitar from designed the layout and paid
an artist $550.00 to create this far out design. The Artist airbrushed the guitar dark purple and orange for the
sunset. Then he did a cut out for the
silhouette of the volcanoes, mountains, and the screaming dragon on the top
cutaway. Last but not least, the pen
and ink drawing of the Sword Princess was added, then clear coat was applied
over the entire guitar. This guitar is a one of a kind, it started as a pure black
soloist. Jackson never made a design
like this – it’s an original of the artist.
This is the only guitar like it in the world. |
I play this Jackson more than any of my others right now – I
like it. But it does need a little
work. The frets need a dressing (I was
quoted $40) and it could use a new pickup selector switch ($15-20). Right now you have to wiggle the switch a
liitle to get the front pickups to play at full volume. But since I mainly play the humbucker, it
never bothered me. Overall, this
guitar is really cool. - GTRkev |