To my friend Janice Lynn Blooming and weeping my willowiest friend glows with awesome golden curls dancing in counterpoint to answer each flowered branch from this wooden warm gazebo. Terminus appears to end winter, spring bursts from grounds to trees, while the coastal seashore prepares another intricate maze of amenities to welcome and cure cities' stress. Sounding, spreading, Cronus diverges its infinite cycles of personal qualities showing us only a peculiar tiny part of the never understood eternal bliss. By the sunny shades of my writing hand remembering who caressed it so long ago I think: "yes, it is great to stand by the sea, it is there; and it is right there for us to see that there's nothing more, is just the way it is". Guillermo Silveira
Floreciendo y llorando mi sauce amigo brilla intensamente enrulado de oros impresionante baila cotradanzas para contestar en cada rama florecido a la cálida glorieta de madera. Término aparece, finaliza el invierno, suelta explosivos argumentos arbolados, mientras la costa prepara otro laberinto intrincado de amenidades para dar su bienvenida y curar la grave tensión de las ciudades. Sonoro, separándose, Cronus bifurca sus ciclos infinitos de calidades personales que nos demuestran solamente una parte avara, minúscula, y muy peculiar, de la dicha eterna incomprensible. Por las cortinas soleadas de la memoria la mano que esto escribe recuerda quiénes la acariciaron; y pienso: "sí, grande es hacer una pausa frente al mar, está allí; correcto, y allí vemos que no hay nada más, nada más que aquello que es per se". Guillermo Silveira
He stuck his hands, his long fingers down inside the body of the piano to puck the strings, to jingle bells on them, to bring sounds and noises up from the depths, up from the bottom of the instrument. Strings, strings-- The piano, I suddenly recall, is a stringed instrument and so am I. I remember this sensation-- your clean, white hands, long, immaculate fingers reaching in and then up deep inside me to places I'd never felt fingered before. Gasping to know what it was you were touching, the orange chakra deep inside me, within me, so close to, against my warm womb. You evoked a music, a cry, from my neck and mouth the way no one ever had and I succumbed to the moan of life sucking life in- to itself, the way only the symphony, an ocean, sleep, or death, can do.