History of famose suicides
Fictional suicidal cases
Suicide as one of the Fine Arts
By Dr. Ariel [a fictional character from NO SUICIDE IN SPRINGTIME by twentieth century Spain's play writer Alejandro Casona, recreated by Guillermo Silveira] NO SUICIDE IN SPRINGTIME At the assisted suicide clinic, an unusual doctor claiming ‘tears are as healthy as sweat’ treats unrequited love, sibling rivalry, loneliness, boredom and other diseases of the soul. Using reverse psychology, the doctor supports the efforts of suicidal patients and offers choices on how to die. In the process, and through a series of fortunate encounters, the hopeless and disappointed discover new ways to live. This is Casona's first play premiered in The Americas. It was begun en route on the Trans-Atlantic trip and it was staged shortly after the Casonas landed in Mexico. Featured music: Humming of Johann Strauss’s Blue Danube. 1.- Dr. Ariel Imaginary Biodata. 2.- Dr. Ariel's TST [Three Stages Therapy]. 3.- Plots and Maps. 4.- Suggestions and SOWT's [Suicide One Way Tours] discounts. ________________________________________________________________ 1.- Dr. Ariel Imaginary Biodata. Dr. Ariel's father, grandfather and great-grandfather were very successful in killing themselves at age 40. This, particularly intriguing family practical behavior, made Dr. Ariel to study scientifically suicidal reasons. He went to the mountains and escaping from the city life he realized that music, specially Beethoven's, and nature were enough life motivations to avoid the cyclical pattern of his family. When Dr. Ariel was 70 years old, he gave his studies and mountain farm facilities to his colleagues for developing of his therapy and teaching his book "Suicide as one of the Fine Arts". ___________________________________________________________________ 2.- Dr. Ariel's TST [Three Stages Therapy]. The therapeutic process of "Suicide as one of the Fine Arts" has three stages. a.- The suicide is invited to kill himself or herself in all possible ways. Dr. Ariel has a list of weapons, poisons, noose sides, and places specially tailored for each case. Also there is a list at the left margin of this web page with historical references of famous suicides and fictional suicidal cases for the ones that try to avoid repetition. b.- If the suicide did not overreact, becomes a kind of ... perplex. The patient feels uncertain after doctor's propositions. She or he, feeling really weird starts to cry, and decide to ponder. Reading and talking to other patients about the many suicide's options helps the patient to face life. c.- The suicide finds that communication with nature and the others, makes to forget the idea, she/he starts to relate to life, doctors and patients; and the person is saved! ___________________________________________________________________ 3.- Plots and Maps. Artistically designed statistics and maps of world wide suicide behaviors available upon request. ___________________________________________________________________ 4.- Suggestions for SOWT's [Suicide One Way Tours]. Dr. Ariel recommended not to inform the travel agent of any suicidal plan, it must be done secretly and carefully planed. One way trips suggestions: [couple and family or group discounts available] >>"Hawaiian Volcano" supported with immolation literature. $ 9,000.- >>"War Affected Area Picnics" with poison food included. $ 10,000.- >>"Fly Jumps" with land, water or pollard options. $ 15,000.- >>"Drowning Divers" with container included. $ 20,000.- >>"Jungle Naked Jog" with out human company. $ 30,000.- >>"Desert Walk" with 3 scorpions box optional. $ 50,000.- >>"Tailored Plan" with personalized tools. $100,000.- _____________________________________________________________________ CAVE artists that inspired the work: Brian Judy "Neuro-Data Upload Device" Rich Howe "Judith Gawble-Suicide" "Skull" "Untitled 1 and 2" Mark Planisek "Catch A Falling Star" (Cult-ivated Tendencies) Rolf Rykken "Untitled" Rachel Clark "Suicide Hotline" Jose Ruiz "Ground" "Cornershot" Randi Jewart "Untitled" Jonathan Bernbach "Untitled"
If you have suicidal tendencies...
Guillermo Silveira