"Love Creek Suite" Piano quintet, January 2005. "David's Birthday" Cellebarting the creation of Michelangelo's sculpture. For piano and chimes. September 2005. "Estudios de Paz" Studios for piano, November 2004. "Web Site Story" Seven arias for a new ópera, for lyric baritone, piano and percussion. November 2003-4. "Dolphins suite" for piano solo. Rehoboth Beach. April 23rd, 2003. "Scrambling the Cosmic Egg" for lyric baritone, tape, percussion with audience participation. A multicultural performance. July and August 2002. "MetrOpera" for lyric baritone, writer performer, tape and percussion. Commissioned by DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, Washington, D.C. Friday September 7th, 2001. "Sentido" for lyric baritone, performer, videoprojector, tape, percussion and clarinet. A Threedimensional videOpera on Brazil. Brazilian American Cultural Institute, Washington, D.C. Friday March 23rd, 2001. "A Different Voice" for lyric baritone, clarinet, percussion, video and piano. Art-O-Matic 2000, Cultural Development Corporation. Wednesday October 4th, 2000. "Sonetos del Amor Obscuro" The Washington Post : A different voice
for lyric baritone, clarinet and piano. International Financial Corporation, Wednesday May 25th, 2000. Washington Arts Club, June 2000. "Cantata Art-O-Matic" for baritone, two guitars, percussion and electronic sounds. The Manhattan Laundry Project, Saturday June 19th, 1999. "Guillermo Silveira's art songs on poets of the Americas" for soprano, alto, baritone, flute, guitar, percussion and electronic sounds. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution. Thursday June 3rd, 1999. "Labyrinth of Music" for four baritones, mezzosoprano, trumpet, violin, saxophone, children voices performers, bubbles and percussion. For the Art-O-Matic opening performance included art, videos, slides, dancers and performers. At Manhattan Laundry Project, May 21st, 1999. "The Brazilian Outreach in Guillermo Silveira's Music" for voice, piano, electronic sounds, videos and three performers, a retrospective musical performance and installation on Silveira's musical compositions inspired by the culture of Brazil, Brazilian American Cultural Institute. Friday April 23rd, 1999. "Please, Call Me... Jackie" Information about the work: A new videOpera
A chamber videOpera, The Anderson House, April 10th, 1999. "Triunfo de Espiritu" Triumph of the Spirit: a new dance videOpera
for Soprano, Lyric Baritone and Dancer, a chamber videOpera on Carlos Alfonzo's paintings and sculptures. The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Smithsonian Institution. August 13th, 1998. "A Dream Home" A videOpera on Silveira's inter-art collaborations with writers and visual artists. The Ruthless Grip, Art Project. June 8th, 1998. "Urban Arias" A chamber opera, on George Segal's sculptures. The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Smithsonian Institution. May 17th, 1998. "Dreaming the Amazons" for piano and electronic sounds, inspired by the visual art of the Tucuna natives, Brazilian American Cultural Institute, Washington, D.C. April 16th, 1998. "Pie in the sky" for piano, on Alfredo Halegua's sculpture. Brazilian American Cultural Institute. Washington, D.C. October 17th, 1997. "Four Mondrian" for piano and electronic sounds, inspired by the visual art of Piet Mondrian, Commissioned by The Royal Netherlands Embassy, Washington, D.C. January 16th, 1997. "Labyrinth of Music" for baritone, mezzosoprano, string quartet, children voices and percussion. On the visual arts of the Americas, performance included art, videos, slides, dancers and performers. Organization of American States, May 24th, 1996. "Argentina Fantastica" for piano and orchestra. American Youth Orchestra. Lisner Auditorium, May 5th, 1996. "The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, even" For baritone, violin and percussion, inspired by the visual arts of Marcel Duchamp, Sponsored in part by D.C. Commission on the Arts. April 10th, 1996. "Infinite Cantata" for voice, percussion, organ and piano, In Memoriam Denise, benefits for SOME, So others might Eat, Georgetown, Washington, D.C. December 19th, 1993; February 26th, 1994; December 17th, 1994 and 1995; December 21st, 1996. "Labyrinth of music" for baritone, violin, 3 different clarinets, saxophone, flute, bassoon, 2 trumpets and percussion. Inspired in the visual arts of the Americas. includes art, dancers, videos and slides. Commissioned by South 2 Foundation and The National Botanical Garden. Washington, D.C. May 30th, 1995. "Suite" for baritone, violin and percussion, inspired by visual arts of the Americas, Commissioned by the Montgomery County Govt., Rockville, Maryland, September 20th, 1994. "Mirrors/Espejos" for four sopranos, percussion and electronic sounds, Organization of American States, Washington, D.C. April 28th, 1994. "Pilares, Tributo de Paz" for piano, In memoriam Roberto Caamano. Inspired after a synesthesical experience. The Mexican Cultural Institute, November 3rd, 1993. "Suite Equina" for piano and electronic sounds, Mexican Institute, April 23rd. 1993. "Homeless Song" for voice and piano, benefit for SOME, So Others Might Eat, Georgetown, Washington, D.C. December 20th, 1992, and February 28th, 1993. "Sala de Conciertos" for mezzo soprano, piano and electronic sounds, Centro Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 12th, 1992. "Hope for an Antidote" for violin, piano and wind chimes, AIDS Benefit, Dumbarton United Methodist Church, Georgetown, Washington, D.C. July 9th, 1992. "Theory and practice of flotation" for violin, cello and piano, Trio Americas, The World Bank Auditorium, Washington, D.C. June 8th, 1992. "Ladies and Gentleman..." for baritone, voices and electronic sounds, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina, January 1992. "Sur 2" Rhapsody for piano and electronic sounds, Cemtro Cultural Buenos Aires, Argentina, December, 1991. "Morning" cantata for voice and electronic sounds, Palos Verdes Auditorium, California, September 1991. "Three dances for a scientific, cultural and technological Argentine" for piano and electronic sounds. Argentine-North American Association for the Advancement of Science, Technology and Culture. Strathmore Arts Center, Maryland. June 1991. "Minuvoces" an electronic media fragmentation of sculptor Marta Minujin's voice and white noise. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. Buenos Aires, Argentina. May 1991. "La humanidad esta viviendo dias tremendos" for white noise and voices of Argentine historical politicians. Centro Cultural San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina. December 1990. "Three Images for Argentina" for piano and electronic sounds, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 1991. "Iguazu Falls" for slides and electronic sounds. Astrea Book Gallery. Washington, D.C. May 1991. "Cristo en la cruz" for voice and piano. Centro Cultural Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Argentina. December 1990. "The greatest paradox of Tlon" for soprano, coins and electronic sounds. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. Buenos Aires, Argentina. December 1990. "The Cyclical Night" cantata for lyric baritone and electronic sounds. Premiered by Victor Torres, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina. April 1990. "Suite Standard" for voices, instruments and electronic sounds, for Jorge Luis Acha's film "Standard". November 1989. "La ronda del angelito" for voices and electronic sounds, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C. October 17th, 1989. "15 telescopic Variations on a Multipurpose-Robot theme" for voice, percussion and electronic sounds. January 1989. "Habeas Corpus" suite for voices, instruments and electronic sounds, for Jorge Luis Acha's film "Habeas Corpus" Cannes Film Festival's award, 1988. "Concrete Unconsciousness" Madrigal dramatico for voices and instruments. Centro Cultural Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 1987. Subsequently broadcast by Radio Municipal Ciudad de Buenos Aires, on January 1988 and Radio Nacional Argentina, June 1987. "In Memory of Jorge Luis Borges" for voice, clarinet, guitar, piano and synthesizer. The Catholic University of America Modern Language Department, Washington, D.C. June 1987. "Mas alla del Rio Grande" for soprano, clarinet, cello and percussion orchestra. Organization of American States, Washington, D.C. March 1987. Broadcast on Radio Municipal Ciudad de Buenos Aires. December 1987. "Environ-Mental Recital" for voice and instruments. The Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, Washington, D.C. November 1986. "Ecology Symphony" for choir and orchestra, Catholic University Orchestra, April 1986. "Guillermo Silveira in Recital" for trumpet, piano, voice and electronic sounds, Ward Recital Hall, Washington, D.C. April 1986. "South" for piano and taped piano sounds. The Latin American Center for Graduate Studies in Music, Washington, D.C. April 1986. Subsequently broadcast by Radio Municipal Ciudad de Buenos Aires, June 1989. "Landscape" music for Harold Pinter's play. Hartke theatre, Washington, D.C. February 1986. "Fall Music" for voices, flutes, guitar, harpsichord, piano and tape. The Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, Washington, D.C. December 1985. "Musicamaramericana" Chamber music recital for piano, trumpet and voice, Ward Recital Hall, February 1985. "Variete" Musical drama, Centro Cultural Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 1984. "Alas-ala" for female choir, clarinet, cello and percussion. The Organization of American States. October 1984. "Latelarana" Chamber Opera. Centro Cultural Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1984. "Ten Mad Songs for the End of the World" Chamber opera, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, and Manzana de las Luces, Buenos Aires, Argentina. November 1983. "Concierto Porteno" for piano, two clarinets and two trumpets. Manzana de las Luces, September 1983. "Bosco" for French Horn. Broadcast on Radio Bariloche, Argentina, January 1983. "Danza Contradanza" for orchestra. Orquesta Sinfonica nacional, Argentina, December 1982. "The Graduate" for trumpet and piano four hands. Conservatorio La Lucila, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 1982. "Romantic out of Era" for clarinet, trumpet and piano. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 1982. "Dos Lenguajes" for voice, clarinet, trumpet, guitar, piano and tape. Fundacion San Telmo and Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July and August 1982. "Quem Quaeritis" for voices, violin and tape. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, April 1982, Accion Catolica Argentina, St. Vincent's Chapel Washington, D.C. April 1986. Broadcast Radio Nacional Argentina, June 1989. "Cuarteto Paulistano" for string quartet. Pro-Arte, Teresopolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, February 1982. "Gerere" for flute, clarinet, saxo alto, cello, guitar, cellesta and harp. In memory of Heitor Villa-Lobos, Brazilian Embassy and Secretaria de Cultura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, December 1981. "Interiores" for clarinet solo, Compositores de Nueva Musica. April 1982. "DROB" for baritone, SATB, flute, clarinet, bassoon, guitar, piano and tape. Fundacion San telmo, Argentina, December 1980. "Obacaesnas" for baritone, piano four hands and tape. Clef, Centro Musical, Buenos Aires. December 1979. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Primera Iglesia Evangelica Metodista, broadcast Radio Nacional, November 1980. "Preludios" for piano and tape, 1974-7 "Monet's Studio boat" The Studio Boat : I, II, adn III
for piano, 1971. "Canciones para niños" for children soprano and alto, Colegio Guadalupe, Buenos Aires, Argentina. August 1969. "Mi primer vals del minuto" for piano and sundial, 1967. ______________________________________________________________________