Tango No! Why meeeeeeeeee? Absent rose… All nights alone. No plans for us, both. Just one… sad soul. Solitude. Enough. Darn! Lovely rose Pink. Clear bloom. Young lovers. Valentine’s trick. Innocent, casual, Just physical, Erotic, Sexual: Pigs. Pale rose Good Blossom Its pure love Everlasting That cyclical fun For ever friends Clean relation Natural Clever Fresh. Us Past tense Long ago We dream in love We won’t regret it Where did it go? A black rose Shredded Time. Once First Scarlet Bloody tamed Hottest passion Wild lips pomegranate Virgin’s fountain Pleasures boomed Warm tears Dead. Silk rose Dark Thin thorns Burgundy Big thick green leaves Grown up royalty With fragrant drops Bright around Sweet years Thrones. Rose Absolute Bright Sunny Yellow hush Fresh aroma Melodies for both Call for sorrows Bring a mild Honey Dawn. Saigon rose Green Clear grim Tea color Pastel yellows Amber golden kiss Caressing smells Deep essence Intense Moans. Adolescent rose Team New spring Tender cry Transfused sky Glossy bouquet shines Transparent rays Chrystal youth Frazzle Smile. Averroes rose Read It’s there Look at it On this flower Magic scarlet rose Written on its petals “There is no god but the God” The mother of the books Real and truthful words The only one Eternal For us Talks. Mine Now Return Melodious Tined angels clime Decorating thorns Sonorous forms Gently touch Petals Bang. Oscar Wilde’s nightingale’s rose Spoiled, Teenaged, Destined, Bird’s compassion, Vehicle of love, Forever bloody toned, Ephemerally You transformed that Great sad poet, That love, Life. Love Dance You may be the greatest love I know Since each day I think of you… To taste our skin with biting lips It does to me the same to you. Sights with stronger sound prevail You are to me as I’m to you. And a third person is to us Like a moon is to the sun, You’re the earth if I shine bright; You are the sun when I am around. Cuddly both of us always enjoy to be inside each other’s dream, And if some times we need support It’s our strength that brings us close. “One in a million,” yes we know, Is the one that shares the most. What a gift to be like this You and I, or you and me. If one day life takes one of us, Since none else will be the one To hold the other by the heart It will be time to strike the rest And to archive our love on earth To tell the others what it means To be the only one to share life with The most intensive human verb: Love, amore, amour, amar, in love… Lyrics and music by Guillermo Silveira