Do you have questions and don't know where to turn for help? Well you've come to the right place! I'll answer your questions and provide helpful advice that every Cardassian needs to know in order to be a success on todays Prime.
I have printed the newest letters first so that you don't have to scroll down the whole page to see if there is something new or not.
Dear Gul Maket
I'm very distraught. A few days ago my bajoran slave somehow got out of his cage and ran away. I feel like such a fool, letting a bajoran escape like that. My brother Elim says I should just forget about him and go on with my life, but I'm still having difficulties letting go. He was such a good cook, and cleaned the house so well. Should I just suck it up and go out and buy a new slave? Or should I put up wanted posters and risk my honor and reputation by looking for him?
Signed: -Sheria Garak-
Dear Sheria; One word...NEUTER! It's a simple little operation that can prevent a lot of problems in the future. Once a slave turns feral there's really nothing you can do. But thousands of unwanted slaves are put to sleep every year so I suggest that you go to your local labour camp and give a nice slave a second chance. Only this time be a responsible slave owner and snip, snip!!
Why are you such a bitch? It seems that you hate those who are of the male gender!
Relax, take a Midol and your problems may go away.
Dear Name Withheld, I can tell from this letter that you are consumed with anger and frustration over the fact that you are not a Cardassian and desperatly want to be.
Now if I were a bitch as you say I would creat a hyper-link to your name so that all other women may inform you of the errors in your thinking.
Dear Gul Maket
After my parents' death I made a new life for myself in the Military. I was accepted into the PO Corps and have endeavoured to serve Cardassia and the Dominion to the best of my abilities. Only recently did I learn that before my mother's death she had been conspiring against the Dominion, and that her death had not been an accident as I was told, but rather she was killed for her acts against the Alliance. She never told me of her true loyalties to protect me, and no one knows I have learned the truth. I now find myself questioning everything I thought I believed in. How can I work for the Dominion when they killed my own mother? I would like to find out more about what really happened but am afraid of arousing suspicion. Please help me, I don't know what to do!?
Signed Confused
Dear Confused Well you know what they say: "You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family." I'd suggest you quickly make some politically powerful friends and put this whole mess behind you. And consider yourself lucky that the Dominion has such an infinitely great knowledge of genetics (they're all clones!) that they know that treason is not inheritable!
Dear Gul Maket I hope you can help me. My superior Glinn Ajerk (not his real name) doesn't believe in me. I know that I have the potential to be a great warp engineer and I keep applying for transfer but he just doesn't care! How can I make him listen?
Signed Flushed in Waste Extraction
Dear Flushed What's the big deal with Warp Engineering!? They only make the ship go. With out Waste Extraction nobody goes!
Signed Desperate
Dear Desperate There's a war on!! All that's left are jerks and losers. Get over it. Swallow your pride and just pick one! We're going to need all the future soldiers we can get. Do it for Cardassia!
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© 1998, 1999 Gul Maket