NAME........................................Heero (great pun, isn't it) Yuy

MOBILE SUIT............................Gundam 01, Wing Zero, any extraneous mobile suits that stupid OZ soldiers leave the keys in

ETHNICITY................................Japanese (personally, I think he is the bastard son of Dirty Harry and Janet Reno)

HEIGHT.....................................Who gives a damn

WEIGHT....................................Unknown, could be anorexic: have you actually ever seen this pretty boy eat??!!

EYE COLOR.............................No way in hell am I looking that closely at him

TURN-ONS...............................Self-detonating, waving guns around like an idiot, assassinating Relena, the Zero (psycho) System

TURN-OFFS.............................World peace, battles he can actually win in, Treize trying to come on to him

Ah, Heero Yuy. What's that, you've never heard of him? Well, that's understandable because
the show is never really about the poor sap. Supposedly the "main" character, he just goes around
aimlessly, failing at his stupid assassination attempts. Thus far, he has failed at killing Treize, Zechs, Noin,
Lady Une, his four Gundam compatriots, himself, and Relena. . .MULTIPLE TIMES. For the so-called
"perfect soldier", he really sucks. He puts the "ASS" in "assassination." When he is not trying to
assassinate people, he is spazing out in the Wing Zero. Always seeing things that aren't there, I suspect
he downs a bottle of NyQuil before going into battle. Will he and Relena ever live in peace together?
Not if he actually succeeds in killing the prissy bitch. Like I give a damn.

Told you he likes to wave
guns around like an idiot.