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Thank you for choosing   tripod.members.com/h_javora   I am committed to providing you with an excellent gateway to training and learning resources. I appreciate your support . Are you interested in any of the following subjects? 

  1. Values in online computer courses 
  2. Looking for learning or training resources
  3. Identifying learning or training resources.
  4. Publishing on the Web
  5. Learning about Czech ways.
  6. Learning about Japanese ways
  7. How to design instruction.
  8. Links to learning and training resources
  9. Looking for books, videos or music titles

If so, you are probably an autodidact, someone who loves to teach himself or herself or someone who is looking for training and educational resources, and this site could be a savvylearning place for you.

Our courses page gives you examples of excellent online training values that you can take advantage of immediately


Among the things that you will find in the Topics  pages include an introduction to Instructional Design for Everyone, an introduction to our  savvylearners site, which is under construction, facets of Czech and Japanese cultures related to learning , and information about Publishing  on the Web. 


The Resources  page  is a place to register what training or learning resources you are searching for  or  have found. We plan to post some queries and responses. You can also submit comments there and use the educational resources search engine. Check out Hooked on Phonetics.


 the Links page reinforces the savvylearners motto: We link, therefore we are!


There's always something new, so on  our What's New  page, we'll try to keep dropping things into the frying pan and hopefully not into the fire.


Thanks for visiting!  Let us know what you think by submitting comments on the form in the Resources page as this site will primarily be driven by interactions with visitors.

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