(Main Review)

After recieving this signal(read above), Samus flies her way back to the research station to find out what is going on... once there, she discvers that all the scientists are murdered and that the Metroid Larva was stolen!! Following the ship till the end, she finds the Larva standing on the floor, but when she wants to take it, her old well-known enemy Ridley appears! After a bitter and cruel fight, Ridley flies away, taking the Metroid larva with him.... But that wasn't samus biggest problem: the colony was about to self destruct!!

The Game

the gameplay of this game is very varient, what makes it even more enjoyable to play. every button has at least one or more functions and still it isn't confusing. The're are also some secret moves like the "walljump" or secret combinations with the superbomb so that you can f.e. powerfull explosions around you. The atmosphere the creators were able to make is also amazing: They managed to make a 16-bit game almost into a thriller. You'll notice when you start playing. It's also a challenge to get all the items, some of them are necessary off course, but some off them are just very handy if you have them. I'll give you some more information about these items:


items can be found all over Zebes and are necessary to complete your adventure. The items themself are found on Chozostatues. Chozos were the ancient people of Zebes. Now the're extinct, but there statues are spread all over Zebes. Praise yourself lucky if you find one, because they (almost) always contain very handy stuff. You'll get a view af all the items if you press "start" and then push the "R" button.you'll notice that there are 4 main kinds of items for Samus' suit:
-items for her chest
-items for her middle
-items for her beam (gun)
-items for her feet

Beam items

first, we'll take a deeper look at the beamitems. Beams can be combined with each other. there are 5 different kinds to find:

Charge Beam
This will probably the first Beam you'll find. The charge beam allows you to charge and when you fire, the shot will be bigger and more powerfull.

Spazer Laser Beam

normally, you need the high jump boots to get this one, but if you master the "walljump" a bit you can get it even before you find these. It's exremely usefull, cause now you have three beams under each other that you get a bit this effect:

Ice Beam

You'll be able to get this beam when you have the speedboosters(see: feetitems) Anyway, this is a very handy beam, cause it freeses your enemies and you can get to places only by standing on them after you've frozen them.

Wave Beam

Wave beam
With this beam, you can shoot throug most of the obstacles. Quiet useful.

Plasma Beam

Plasma Beam
And last but not least, Plasma Beam. When you charge with this baby It's almost as strong as a misile (see misiles)


I can't give you a picture of this one, because there isn't one. But when you have this, nothing can stop you: It's way stronger then all your misiles together.


Morph Ball

Morph Ball

First item you'll find. It allows Samus to roll herself up into a littlle ball and go trough small places. you'll need it a lot.


When your in ball shape you can lay these bombs. The're mostly necessary to blow up rocks in little spaces.

Jump Ball

Jump Ball
With this, you can jump in ball shape

Screw Attack

Screw Attack
Personnally, my favourite: if you jump by making flips, you destroy your enemies if you have contact with them . It is also extremely strong.

Chest items.
Actually, these are the different kinds of suits. there are 2 ones:

Varia Suit

This suit can be found in all the metroids. in the first and the second metroid, it reduces damage to half and in the this Metroid, it reduces the damage, but it also allows Samus to go into areas with exreme temperatures.

Gravity suit

You'll only find this suit in this game (super metroid) and it allows Samus to walk around normally in water.


Feet items
these items increase Samus' mobility

High jump boots

With these boots, Samus can jump twice as high as normal

Space jump boots

Samus can jump again in the air short after the highest point from the previous jump She can stay infinitive long in the air wearing these

Speed Boosters

There are lots of possibilities with the Speed boosters: Samus can run incredebily fast (and while, she is invinsible), and you can launch yourself to every side by saving its energy.