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Pict Clanns of Albann


The Grants are descended from Gregor Mhor MacGREGOR, who lived in the 12th century.  Their territory was Strathspey, where an extensive moor called 'Griantoch' (Plain of the Sun) is the origin of their name.  Their cadet coat of arms proved this.                 

Their Chiefs became hereditary Sheriffs of Inverness.  They supported Robert Bruce and consequently were allotted additional lands in Glen Moriston and Glen Urquhart. Through adroit marriages and astute political
maneuvering, the Grants were elevated to a Barony in 1493.

When the parent Clan Gregor was a proscribed and hunted clan, and the Grants being a prosperous clan, representatives of the two clans met at Blair Atholl for a fortnight and discussed reunion, and the adoption of the old name MacGregor, if the government could be persuaded to lift the proscription that forbade its use.  Alternatively, it was agreed to use the name MacAlpine or Grant.  Not unnaturally, the negotiations foundered over the question of the chiefship.  Several delegates from both sides took the old name, MacAlpine, to show their disappointment.

For his support in the Revolution of 1688, King William granted the chief the Regality of Grant in 1694, enabling them to rule as monarchs in their clan territory.   In spite of the clan's support  for the house of Hanover in 1715 and 1745, the regality was abolished with all such independent jurisdictions after Culloden.

The clan has strong American associations.  The colourful General James Grant served as a professional soldier in Austria and the Low countries, he went to America during the War of Independence.   There, he was closely involved in the capture of Havana and St. Lucia before becoming Governor of East Florida. 

 A century later, General Ulysses S. Grant led the Union forces during the American Civil War before becoming the 18th US President.

The savior of the Union, Hero of the American Civil War, and later President of the United States of America for two terms, Ulysses S. Grant, was a direct descendent (on the male side) of  Gregor Mohr MacGregor, who founded the Clan Grant.  

Although not publicly recognized as a MacGregor in life, he certainly was in death, as he spent the last months of his life at Mount MacGregor Sanatorium.

His body was first buried in the MacGregor Cemetery near Saratoga, New York, before being re-interred at a proper National Monument in New York City.