Medieval English & Irish Hammered Farthings: Bibliography Intro.

This online guide is designed to help

  • Metal Detector enthusiasts
  • Museum Curators
  • Coin Dealers & Collectors

accurately identify and classify their English Hammered Farthings.


This bibliography lists publications which have a specific relevance for anyone studying either English or Irish hammered silver farthings.

The publications are grouped into four sections:

Both English and Anglo-Irish farthings are included in these listings, as the Irish coinage of the time was imposed on them by their English overlords.

The Auction Catalogues and Dealer Publications now show lots which included hammered farthings - every attempt has been made to expose the provenance of these coins and in some cases the sale price has been included.

Finally, please feel free to contact the site librarian if you want further information or have anything you think should be added.

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