Installment Twelve

Kari picked up the dark blue sweater from the floor of her room. She turned and look at the small clock on her bed stand. It read 8:15.
“Good, I have fifteen minutes.” She said to herself.
She rushed around cleaning up some more clothes that were spewed
across her floor.
Kari’s room was quite large. Much larger then most of her friends rooms.
She had a single day-bed along the far wall of her room. Beside that
stood a bed stand. Her dresser was on the opposite side from her bed,
and a large vanity tucked back in the other corner. The double bathroom had a door entering on either side. One from her room and the other from the hallway. She kept the hallway door side locked most of the time.
Kari couldn’t wait for Zac to get there. She would FINALLY get a night alone with just the two of them. No distractions.

Zac turned the door knob to see if it was locked. Nope. The door slid
open. Zac turned to look in either direction. No sign of Kari.
‘Ohhh this should be fun.’ he smiled, walking into the living room he saw two movies set on the coffee table alone with popcorn and some reeses.. her favorite. Zac smiled at the thought of her going one day without any form of reeses candy to eat? Nope, not possible.
He heard the soft hum of music coming from upstairs. He quietly made his way up the white carpeted stairs. He walked down the narrow hall and stopped before the golden light coming from Kari’s open bedroom door.
He slowly came forward and peeked around the corner.
Kari sat on the edge of her bed back to him. She was fiddling with
Zac crept up behind her. Before she could turn around Zac grabbed her and laid a kiss on her lips. She jumped and screamed as he kisses her hard.
“HAHAHA!” Zac laughed as Kari pushed him off of her and onto the bed.
“God damnit Zac! You scared the crap out of me! Are you psycho!” Kari said still shaking. Tears welled up in her eyes.
“Oh.. Kar. I was just playin. I didn’t know it would scare you that bad.” Zac said noticing the tears. He enveloped her in a hug.
“I hate you!” Kari laughed and sobbed at the same time.
“Ahh. I’m sorry babe.” Zac kissed the top of her head. “You know you
love me though” He whispered.
“Ugh!.” Kari groaned as she pulled away and wiped away her eyes.
Mascara now smeared everywhere. “Look what you did.”
“Kari, your just a beautiful without make-up”
“Ahh shut up!” The pillow she waked him with fell to the ground.
“So what movies did you get? ”Zac asked.
“Come on, I’ll show you.” Kari said standing and grabbing his hand then pulling him to his feet also.
The two headed down the stairs and into the living room.


“ Zac! Stop it. I’m trying to watch the movie!” Kari scolded for the second time in the past five minutes.
Zac got the point and scooted himself a couple inches away.
“Don’t you even!” Kari laughed.
“What?” Innocent smile playing on his lips.
“Don’t you get all mad just because my hormones aren’t booming unlike yours!”
“Kari...” Zac wined.
“Zac...” She mimicked. “Can we just have a nice peaceful night together without fooling around?” She looked into his eyes pleading.
“What’s the fun in that??”
“Okay you know what! Screw it!” Kari said grabbing the remote from his lap and bringing the movie to a stop. She jumped off the couch and walked into the kitchen.
“Oooh k.” Zac said to himself at her sudden burst of immature anger. He slowly made his way into the kitchen after her.
There, Kari was poring milk into the small sauce pan sitting on top of the stove burner.
Zac made his way up behind her and grabbed her around the waist.
“Whatcha makin’?” He said leaning in and kissing her cheek.
“Hot chocolate.” Her short quick answer sent chills down his spine.
“Oh! Yumm-”
“For ME!” Kari cut him off.
“All right Kari. Lets go finish that movie.”
“No! It’s a little to later for that Zac. I’m not in the mood anymore.”
“Kari. I’m sorry. Geez. I assure you, my horny self has calmed down.” Zac stood beside her. Arms out in front of him as if to show her.
Kari rolled her eyes.
“Okay whatever.” Zac said sitting down on one of the bar counter stools.
After a couple minutes Kari turned around.
“Why is it all physical, Zac?!”
“What do you mean?” He played dumb.
“Okay, let me ask you this. In the past two months we’ve been dating,
can you think of one thing we have done together that didn’t involve
kissing, making out, or even going further then that?!”
Zac thought a moment. No answer. Kari shook her head.
“Didn’t think so.”
“I guess that’s a hint.” Zac said with a hurt expression on his face. He stood and made his way to the front door. grabbing his jacket from the dining room table, he walked out into the cold night air towards his car.
Kari leaned against the counter. Tears streaming down her face.
“No Zac.. no.. don’t leave me. Not tonight.” She said below a whisper.
The turn of an ignition sent her running for the door.
She swung it open just in time to see him pulling away.
“God No..” She sobbed. “This was supposed to be our night. Why couldn’t I just keep my mouth shut?!”
Kari stood weakly to her feet and headed up the stairs. She threw herself on her bed. Letting sleep overcome her. Minutes later a single tear fell down her still wet face.


Zac drove, and drove, and drove. He didn’t know where he was going.
After about an hour he pulled back into Kari’s driveway.
He slowly got out of the car and looked up at her window. All lights were out.
With the front door left unlocked he made his way up the long stairway to her room. There she lay. Like an angel. Zac stripped off his pants down to his boxers and threw his sweatshirt over his head to revile a T-shirt.
Climbing into the bed he snuggled up next to Kari. He could see the traces of mascara running down her once beautiful clean cheeks.
“I’m so sorry baby.” He looked at her with delicate eyes.
She stirred, and moved in closer to him, nestling her face in his chest.
He grabbed her hands and lay them across his stomach. The sound and
warmth of her soft breath against him made his eyes heavy. Soon enough sleep overtook him as well.


“Morning sunshine” Taylor said peering down at Abby with a smile across his face.
“Morning hot stuff.” She lifted her head up and kissed him. “Blah..
morning breath!” She said making a nasty face.
“Haha. You know you love it! Come here!” Taylor bent back down and
plastered her face with kisses.
“AHH Tay knock it off!” Abby laughed, fighting with all her morning strength (which isn’t much at ALL) to get him away from her.
“Man! this week has been so crazy!” She said making her way to the bathroom.
“Tell me about it. I miss Tulsa already!”
“Dido!” Came a toothpaste filled mumble from the bathroom.
Abby came out a minute later.
“Hungry?” She asked, one eyebrow in the air.
Taylor laid, spread across her bed. Sheets reviling his blue striped boxers.
“Yum! ‘Abby’ food!” He jumped up and followed her into the kitchen.
“Okay what do you want fat boy?” Abby asked while she bent down and
reached for a pan out of the bottom cabinet.
“Hmm.” He thought for a minute, then he smiled. “Egg bread”
“You read my mind.” She leaned over the counter and kissed him. “Okay Taylor! No more kisses for you until you brush those stinky teeth!” She swatted his arm.
“Yeah Yeah.” he said, getting up and making his way back into the
While Abby cracked the eggs into the pan she noticed a red blinking
button out of the corner of her eye. The answering machine.
“Oh shit. I haven’t checked my messages yet since I’ve been back” She said to herself. Abby pressed the ‘Play’ button.
“You have four new messages” The automated voice said. Then the sound of her sisters voice filled the room.

“Abby, It’s me. The sister you forgot you had! Just wanted to call and say Hi. I haven’t talked to you in about two and a half months now. Why haven’t you called me?! I had to call Katie and get your number. Mom went with aunt Sue and uncle Larry to the lake for the weekend, so I couldn’t get a hold of her to get it. Please give me a call. 330-565-7088.
Bye sis. I miss you.”

“Hello. I am trying to reach Miss. Dalton. This is Saundra Burt, calling in regards to your car payment this month. I was told I could reach you here. You can get a hold of me from 8am-5pm, Monday through Thursday at this number. 1-800-764-8183 ext. 7630 -Thank you.

Hey Yo Abbers. It’s me. Kate. Just wanted to see how your little vacation went. Lucky bitch. Haha okay give me a ring as soon as you get in! Love ya. Hey Tay, I know your there. BahBye you two.

*Click* (Hang-up)

Abby laughed at Katie comment.
“We need to get Katie up here again!” Taylor said from behind.
Abby Jumped. “Holy hell you scared me!”
“Haha, sorry. Can I have kisses now?” Taylor said leaning in towards Abby till his lips brushed over hers. Abby broke apart just before he kissed her. “Nope.. gatta finish breakfast.” She laughed at the face Taylor gave her. She flipped the two pieces of bread out onto his plate and one on hers.
“Breakfast is served. Enjoy.” She smiled.

Installment Thirteen