Installment Seventeen

The days went by. Soon enough, the weeks started to fly. Christmas came and went like it was a regular passing day. Abby once again went to Tulsa with Taylor for the holidays. She hadn’t heard a word from her family since
Thanksgiving. She thought it better that way.
The snow had been falling heavy the past month. The long two week
vacation was like heaven for any school student. The New Year was only two days away. Who would have thought 2003’ would come this quickly? Definitely not Abby.

The yearly ritual of the Christmas tree burning was taking place in the Hanson’s back field. Every year they set the pine blazing. It would shoot up in flames for about twenty seconds, then die down and slowly toast the bark and branches of the large seven foot tree. The kids watched in awe.
Taylor stood behind Abby with a blanket wrapped around the both of
them, his hands over her stomach bringing her into a hug. The heat of the fire felt good. After a while everyone else went into the house, but Tay and Abby stayed where they were.
The stars were out and the night was cold and peaceful. Just like you could imagine it. Snow was falling lightly onto the top of their heads and all around them. It felt like they were trapped in a snow globe. Except it was ten times more beautiful.

“How could anything be more perfect then this?” Taylor whispered into her ear.
“It couldn’t. That’s why it’s so special.” she replied as she turned her head a little and kissed him.
“I love you, Abigail Marie Dalton.” Taylor smiled.
Abby burst out laughing. “How did you know my middle name! I never
told you.” She turned and looked at him.
“I have my ways. I try to find out EVERYTHING out about the girl I know I want to spend the rest of my life with.” he gave her a smile.
“Too bad I already know everything about the man I want to spend the
rest of MY life with... because of the Internet.” Abby said poking his
He shot her an evil eye as best he could. “Not funny, not a bit funny.”
Taylor said trying not to crack a smile.
Abby lay her head on his chest.
“So, what’s next?” she asked after a minute of silence.
Taylor looked at her confused. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know what to do anymore. My life would be hell if it wasn’t for you.”
“That’s why I’m going to be around for a long time.” Taylor said running his fingers through her hair.
“Good. Because I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t” Taylor leaned in and kissed her once more. He brought her into a hug. They both turned and watched the fire sizzle down to nothing.


Two-thousand and three was almost here! Who would have thought? The
whole Hanson family were running everywhere trying to get things ready for their New Years bash. Friends and relatives of all ages would be coming over for the long celebration. It was getting later by the minute.
Abby and Jessica were almost done putting the decorations up and Diana was almost through laying out the food for everyone to snack on.
Isaac, Taylor, Walker, Zac, and Mackie went to the store to pick up some last minute stuff before the party started.. That was close to two hours ago. The guest would be arriving within the next half hour. So things were getting crazier.
“Diana, Where do you want this streamer?” Abby yelled from the foyer.
Diana peered around the corner.
“Oh, Just tape it in that corner over there. She said pointing above the coat closet. “And then take the red one and twist it around the banister.
“Alrighty.” Abby reply as she climbed down from her chair she was using to boost her higher and moved it across the room. “Jesse, can you hand me the tape?” Abby asked as she again stepped up on the chair beside the closet door.
“Here ya go.” Jessica said handing her a couple pieces of the clear scotch tape.
“Thank you sweetie.” Abby smiled.
“Where are those darn men?!” Diana said coming around the corner once
again wiping her hands on her apron.
“I have no idea. They Left a long time ago!” Abby commented.
“When should I start getting worried?” Diana laughed.
“Soon.. very soon.” Jess piped in.
The sound of the back door opening sent the three girls and Avery out of the living room and into the kitchen.
“WHERE WERE YOU BOYS?!” Diana scolded.
“Sorry Mom, But Isaac got pulled over for speeding.” Zac laughed as he dropped the bags of groceries down on the counter.
“Oh heavens. Well help me unpack these. The guest will be here any
minute!” Diana shook her head and motioned Zac around the counter.
Zac did as he was told.
Taylor walked in and gave Abby a hug. “The house looks great.” He said looking around.
“Why, Thank you.” Abby smiled.
Seconds later the doorbell rang.
“Shoot!” Diana huffed. “They’re here! Mackie, grab the punch bowl and pour the 7-up into it for me real quick hunny.” Mackenzie did as he was told.
“I’ll get it.” Isaac said jogging past everybody. He walked out into the foyer and open the door.
“Oh my god!” He said when he saw who it was.
“Isaac..” Nora sighed
He stood there in shock.
“Well. Say something!” Nora smiled awkwardly.
Isaac scooped her up into his arms and kissed her. He was taken back by her surprise.
“What are!? How? what-?” He attempted to question her.
“I flew. My sister said she was tired of seeing me mope around the house and that she herself was beginning to get depressed.” Nora laughed. “So she bought me a plane ticket and flew my ass to Tulsa.” She paused to take a breath. “The cab dropped me off at the beginning of your driveway. DID ANYONE EVER TELL YOU, YA HAVE A LONG ASS DRIVEWAY?!” She jokingly whispered loudly into his ear.
“HAHA. Oh, I love you.” Isaac kissed her again.


People filled the house within an hour after Nora had arrived. The party was underway. The Hanson’s were in different parts of the house talking and laughing with their friends and family members. Except Zac.
He walked from room to room checking to see if Warren had arrived yet.
The two of them hadn’t been talking at all the past weeks. A quick ‘Hi’ or ‘what’s up’ now and then. But he didn’t want it to be that way. Zac missed his best friend. He also missed jammin’ with the guys till early hours of the morning on the those empty weekends he seemed to be having a lot more then usual lately.
After about fifteen minutes he gave up. Glancing down at his watch it read 9:45. Zac was bored already. Nobody is supposed to be bored on New Years eve! He made his way to the back of the house. The noise greatly minimized as he walked towards the old studio. He reached out and open the door just enough for him to slip in.
The smell of the recording studio always made him relax. He went to
switch on the main light but put his hand back down. He made his way
over to the black leather couch stumbling through the darkness only to switch on a small lamp as he turned to his left.
Zac lay back and closed his eyes as the room lit up . Not even a minute went but before he heard a voice.
“I was wondering how long it would take you to get here..”
Zac’s eyes flew open. He jumped up and turned toward the familiar cocky voice.
“Warren! What the hell?! You scared the shit out of me!” Zac screamed.
“Yeah. Well, just be glad I didn’t beat the shit out of you instead.” He stood up and rolled his eyes.
Zac sat back down and ran his hands through his hair nervously. He was scared at what Warren would say to him this time.
Before he could even begin to think, He felt a hand on his knee.
Zac looked up with fear spread across his face.
“Warren, I miss her.” Hot tears slid down his cheeks. It wasn’t everyday Zac cried in front of somebody, much less, his best guy friend.
“I know you do.. So, are you ready to take my advice?” Warren offered a hand.
“Zac sniffed and looked up at him. “Are you serious?”
“Why? Should I not be?” He chuckled.
Zac looked down and cracked a small grin at Warren’s choice of sarcasm in this situation “Okay. Let me have it. What do you have to offer me?”
“Okay. Because she is willing to give you another chance. IF you listen to what I have to say.” Warren looked at Zac with stern eyes.
Zac’s heart felt like it started beating again for the first time in weeks. He had hope, and he wasn’t going to loose to Kari again. He was one hundred percent willing to do anything she said, just to have her back.

Installment Eighteen