Installment Twenty Two

Zac woke the next morning to his hand throbbing in pain. He closed his eyes tight at every sleek sting that ran through is fingers. The bruising was evident. How in the hell was he going to hide this from Kari? She would know right away that he laid his hands on Dillon. Slowly Zac made his way down the spiral stairs to the kitchen. He open the freezer and gently placed his hand on a frozen package of meat. He sighed in relief. The ice against his hot hand burned but it took away the throbbing. Zac lay his forehead on the edge of the cooler.
“What are you doing?” Avery asked in a curious tone.
Zac spun around and quickly hid his hand behind him. He thought quick to come up with an excuse. “OH! Um... I’m looking for those toaster strudel things. Do we have anymore?” Nice save.
“I don’t think mom even bought any of those. But she made french toast. It’s on the stove.”
“Thanks Ave.” She smiled and started walking into the living room.
“Oh and Zac? I won’t tell Mom or Dad about your hand. But have fun hiding it from Kari.” Avery winked and disappeared into the next room.
“How the fuck...” Zac whispered as he held up his hand and looked at it closely.
Leave it up to Avery to be God. Zac couldn’t figure her out.


“You okay?” Taylor whispered.
“Yeah. Just go slow.” Abby winced. Her legs wrapped around his waist tightly.
Taylor moved gently back and forth. He could hear Abby moan quietly. With that he moved faster. Finally he was completely inside her. It was only their second time doing it but they had to be careful this time. Neither of them had a condom, they had to make sure to pulled out in time. After a few minutes Taylor rolled off.
“Did you do anything?” Abby asked. You could hear the fear in her voice. “I don’t think.” Taylor responded as he kissed her. They lay breathless for a minute.
“Do you wanna go again?” Taylor sighed.
“No, not until we have protection. And I’m still sore from the other night.”
“Can we just lay here for a little while?” Abby smiled and she kissed him softly.
Taylor shook his head and smiled.
“Can I ask you somthing?” He spoke up after a minute.
“Sure baby, what is it?”
"Would you ever consider having kids and grandkids with me?" he asked.
"Of course," Abby said, "Say in about 10 years and one helluva rock on my finger from now."
He laughed. "I will get you one helluva rock."
"You'd better," she'd snorted. "You can't say you don't have the money for it, 'cos I know what you used to do for a living."
The two of them laughed.
“Okay. I have to leave for class in an hour, I’m ganna take a shower. Would you like to join me?”
“Nah, I’ll just lay here for a little bit.”
“Okay.” He leaned down and kissed her again. “I love you.”
“You better.” Abby smiled.
“You know I do.” Taylor said as he slipped on his boxers and grabbed a towel from the closet in the hall way.
Abby lay on her bed. She heard the water in the bathroom start running, after a minute and got up. The long pink sheet followed draped around her shoulders clothing her naked body.
She turned the knob of the bathroom door. The small room was filling up with mist. She could see the outline of Taylor’s body through the mesh glass shower door.
Abby walked over and open the door, Taylor’s back was to her. She dropped the sheet and stepped in.
He turned around at the touch of her hand on this shoulder, and smiled. “Well if you insist..” Abby laughed.
“Me? insist? Never!” Taylor laughed as he kissed her lips.


Nora spun the small ring around her finger over and over. She watched it sparkle in the sun light that poured in from her dorm room window. She hadn’t yet called any of her family to inform them of the incredible news. She thought she’d wait a couple days. The next week she wanted to spend with Isaac. And just Isaac.
Nora climbed off her bed and headed to the cafeteria. Her stomach was killing her. She hadn’t eaten all day, and it was already past lunch time. She scribbled a note to her roommate on the dry erase board she hung on the door of there room, locked up, and was gone.

An hour went by quickly. Nora sat at a small table overlooking the campus through a big glass window. It was the best seat in the house and nobody was sitting there so she quickly grabbed it. Nora open her government text book to the chapter she was supposed to of read the night before and made herself comfortable as she munched on a bagel and grilled cheese. Suddenly a boy caught her attention walking into the food court.
Her jaw dropped as the kid kept his pace past her table and sat only a few feet away.
He was barely in eyes view but she could make him out just fine. He dung into his bag and pulled out the exact same book Nora had in her hands.
Nora nonchalantly scooted her chair sideways so her legs were facing out and crossed them. This way she had a better view of the interesting kid. He reminded her of a Calvin Klien model. With is Hair longer with a wave at the top. His body was to die for, broad shoulders, huge arms, nice butt.
“STOP! NORA STOP!” Her mind screamed. Nora smacked herself in the head. Why was she acting like this?! She had Isaac. She didn’t need to think of anyone else. Isaac is the one she loves.
“Excuse me? Your reading the Government 7 book right?” Suddenly the kid behind her asked, ruining her train of thought.
“Uh, yes. I am actually. Are..” Nora thought for a second “Are you in my class? Because I don’t remember seeing you around.” She tapped her head with the pen in her hand.
“I think so. I do remember seeing you.” The kid smiled.
“I would think I’d see you too. What’s your name?” she returned the grin.
The last time she got hit on was so long ago. Isaac wasn’t necessarily hitting on her when they met. At least she didn’t think so. He didn’t come right out and be obvious about things.
“I’m Joey. and your?..” Joey extended his hand.
“I’m Nora. Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise. So your studying up for the exam Saturday?”
“Exam?! What exam?” Nora’s smile faded.
“The one Mr. Brookhart told us about today.”
“I didn’t go to class this morning! What chapters is it over?”
“Here, I’ll show you.” Joey laughed as her moved over to her table.

For the next half hour he pointed out the major highlights that were being tested. Nora sat listening. Pretty soon the sun was going down. The two were talking away. Studying was out of the question. They goofed off and tried to go back to studying but it was useless. Soon enough the maintenance man asked them too leave so he could lock up. Nora and Joey parted their separate ways promising to sit together the following day in government.
With that Nora started the long walk across campus to her dorm. She was in the happiest mood she’d been in for months. Nora never knew two complete strangers could sit and talk for hours and leave knowing everything about each other but yet never said a word about themselves.

Installment Twenty-Three