Introduction to the
True Color Characters


Name: Abby Dalton
Age: 19
More Info: Abby has a medium frame. She is originaly from a small town in eastern Ohio, and is the youngest of six siblings. Her parents Phil and Thelma recently seperated, her life is just completely a mess. She has turned to her best friend Katie Collin's for so many things. Being childhood friends, they are basically inseperable. Her personality exceeds far beyond any other. Abby loves being around people and she is every friendly. But can be very sensitive about things.. emotional. Having been a long lost, but not forgotten friend of the Hanson's.
Abby got the surprise of her life when starting out her first year of college at Florida Universtiy.

Name: Taylor Hanson
Age: 19
More Info: Taylor attends Florida University with Abby. He lives in a beautiful appartment near the college. He is determined to continue studying to be a producer, his next best choice it to write and produce music. Taylor's love for music hasn't changed a bit. Music to him, is still a big part of his life and him. Abby, soon another. He tries yo make trips back to Tulsa every chance he gets. Parents are Diana and Walker. Siblings are Isaac, Zac, Jessica, Avery, Mackie, and Zoe.

Name: Kari Rea
Age: 16 More Info: Kari is very petite with a small frame. Preppy. She attends Tulsa High with Zac. Kari is VERY outgoing. Loves to have fun. She is hyper and entergetic almost all the time. She looks young for her age. On a serious note, Her sweet spirit is what friends and family love about her. She's an only child. Kari's parents are divorced and she lives with her mom in a cute little house on Tulsa's East side. She is understanding, but very protective over the people she loves and that mean the most to her. She is a good listener.

Name: Zac Hanson
Age: 16
More Info: Zac attends Tulsa High, where he met Kari. He is enjoying his first year of driving more then any normal kid should. He is constantly gone, but he is holding a job working at a music store right across town, selling anything from keyboaurds, drum sets, guiars and many more instriments. He still practices on his drum set the boys bought a few years back when they went on tour. He loves those drums. He misses singing more then anything, but is in one of his friends, Warren's, band. It keeps him going on what he has always loved doing.. music. He wouldn't turn in singing and making music for the world. Parents are Diana and Walker. Siblings are Isaac, Taylor, Jessica, Avery, Mackie, and Zoe.

Name: Nora Murre
Age: 22
More Info: Nora attends South-West Texas University with Isaac. She practices medicine. Nora hopes to one day be an anesthesiologist. She has a cute little medium frame. Very athletic. She played soccer all through high school and she is into staying in shape. Her parents live in Arizona. She rarely sees them anymore after getting into a fight with her mom. So the Father-Mother, daughter relationship just isn't there. She often sees her sister Alanna who lives in Colorado with her husband Danny and their three year old son Forrest.

Name: Isaac Hanson
Age: 22
More Info: Isaac curently attends South-West Texas University with Nora. His love for music yeilded after the band decided to focusing more on other careers. He started putting in volenteer hour in at a small Childrens Hospital on Tulsa's East side, and enjoyed what he did. His love for children sent him in the direction of studying to be a pediatrician. Parents are Walker and Diana. Siblings are Taylor, Zac, Jessica, Avery, Mackie, and Zoe.