
Katie and Abby had been friends for as long as they could remember. They did everything together. When it came to college they even applied for the same ones. They even studied for the same occupations. But when they both got excepted into different colleges, only a state away, they went for it. No matter what, they promised they would see each other every chance they got. Though they didn't get excepted into the same college like they had planned, they thought they could manage fine. Little did they know, the next three years of their lives will be a fight for Love, Trust, and Forgiveness. Love was nothing but a past subject in the mind of 19 year old Abby Dalton. She was ripped to shreds and stomped on when her Mom and Dad divorced. Her best friend 18 year old Katie Collins tries to comfort her from hundreds of miles away, but something bigger and better takes Abby and flips her world around. She realize that Love is not something to be played with. But doesn't realize it until it's almost too late.
Installment One