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Song Meanings
Steve's Deftones Website

These Meanings Are my own views on the songs and may not actually be the real meanings Chino Intended.


A typical Deftones song, if you want to show a friend how Deftones sounds like, "Bored" is the sound. Chino shows here how he's made of. Slowly in the beginning and faster with screams in the end. Screams that's right! I call them DefScreams. The kind of scream that doesn't hurts our hearing, it's a gift to hear Chino's screams. This song got a confuse message but if we real get on to it, we can see that Chino talks about a mistake that he could make if that "real one" he talks about doesn't shows up and gives him what he want I WISH FOR A REAL ONE If that happens he's gonna get bored and really pissed of IT GETS WORSE...IT'S MORE A mistake made by him could be the solution...!!?!??!


If "Bored" got a tricky message what to say about this one. Sick of the kind of shits that his friend (m/f) is on YOU KNOW I WANT TO PICK YOU UP It's how he feels about. That "you" he refers it, is a friend that's really messed up (if not...sorry Chino) and the "they" are the other friends that don't give a shit for him BUT THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO And just want to get him deeper and deeper on the drugs/crime world. Chino wants to push this friend to his activities (maybe rad sports) MY ACTIVITIES DON'T CROSS BUT THEY CREATE But "they" (the bad friends) don't help much YOU LET THIS SCREW...I TOUGHT THEY KNEW YOU Chino is right we got to ignore this bad friends 'cause they're no solution SHIT FUCK'EM "They" put even kids on this world AND THAT SON OF A BITCH HE SWERVED ALMOST HIT TWO KIDS That's why he's feeling heartless and hate is coming overall I'M FEELING HEARTLESS, I'M FEELING HATE Because of this kind of people RAPE, NO! ONE..ME! NO CHOICE! Good choice!


"One Weak" refers to suicide, who kills himself is a weak! HE WANTED TO MEET CHRIST ALONE Chino describes a suicidal love. He criticizes the behavior of his friend girlfriend BITCH YOU'RE NO GOOD She fucked his friend, and this friend committed suicide VERVE IS HIS CURSE Maybe if she get things ok this friend could be here between us, but no WE COULD HAVE BEEN LIKE ONE She was a "bitch" Chino said . Now she's sorry BITCH YOU FEEL SORE But tears cannot awake the dead FUCK IT Not even if she begs BEG DON'T EVEN WASTE YOUR TIME Their friendship is over NEVER COME HERE WATCH ME BURN


A lot of wrong or right ideas we could take from "Nosebleed". One of them, and maybe the most obvious, is how much costs a lie NO MEANS NO LIE NOW FIND WHAT YOU GET Chino talks about a liar (we don't know who, maybe a lover), he's fed up with lies I DON'T NEED THIS SHIT...FUCKIN LIAR! A liar is a no good person it's like a devil wearing a angel's mask YOU'RE NO GOOD They could live in heaven WE COULD BE PERFECT IN YOUR WORLD I KNOW But no! A lie comes first. It's better to this liar go far DISAPEAR...DISAPEAR...DISAPEAR...


A tragic love song. How hard could be love, where it could reach and what it could make to people. Chino tells how love could be blue skies with white angels INSIDE OF HER And suddenly all could be burned by dark devils with big sharp forks KISS ME GOODBYE Even is personality is in cause I WANT TO BE JUST LIKE YOU...THEN I'LL BE COOL He could change his way just to be like her, but she deceived him. Now he gets sick A PART OF ME GETS SICK Maybe sick of her 'cause she's not what he thinks first. Then he gets sore A PART OF ME GETS SORE Because love is hard and could hurt people very badly. Is he a fuckin' monster ? I AM A FUCKING MONSTER Will he ever get what he wants? I WILL NEVER GET WHAT I WANT This are the questions that remains all this because of her. "Lifter" is, without doubts, a song that makes people think in that special ones, cry for the ones, love even more that ones, a hymn was born!


Get trapped or arrested, is what "Root" make us think about TO BE FORCED The ones who get well on life and the ones who get barred I WILL BE BARRED BUT YOU WON'T This "arrest/trapping" could be associate to some kind of prison, a psychological or physical one. Because I'm not Chino I don't know what he refers about (if he wants to get a hand, he'll be welcome). The ones that "deliver" or put the person that Chino talks about (maybe he) on this kind of prison DELIVER ME THERE Are considered by him to be crazy people PSYCHO That's right 'cause everyone have the right to be free (innocent people first) to fly to their dreams I WILL FLY And cannot be judged just for being poor JUST BECAUSE I'M REALLY POOR Run away could resolve the problem I DON'T BELIEVE YOU WILL FIND ME

|| 7 WORDS

A song with a good vibe and great energy. A authentically critic to society of nowadays THAT'S BEEN STOMPED AWAY FROM EVERY SINGLE DREAM Chino gives a advise BUT I'M NOT HERE TO PREACH I disagree 'cause he's preaching, indirectly. The "bitch" criticized here could be a person that represents society YOU BITCH Above all the capitalist society and consumerism are the targets KEEP SUCKIN' YOUR MONEY People that are only interested in money, money and more money I'M JUST SICK OF DIRECTION Their only purpose on this life is to get richer and to suck SUCK! SUCK! SUCK! Other people money and happiness. Chino defends himself by having a good childhood MY PARENTS MADE ME STRONG TO LIFT UP THAT GLASS And he advises this kind of people to "shut up" because they don't know him SHUT UP YOU DON'T KNOW ME Maybe someone that criticized him of being "snob" or materialist. Minds are changed by money, material-people that are almost wrong YOUR FUCKIN' MIND IS GONE Big fuckin' apes, keep sucking their money up their fucked asses SQUEAL LIKE A PIG WHEN YOU BIG FUCKIN APE !!!


The birth of love. Once again love is the main issue. Chino refers to meet a girl when he most doesn't want to I'D MEET YOU IN WRONG Now is in love with this girl. He could make everything just to be with her BURY ALL THEN I WOULD BE RIGHT WITH HER To show how much he love her he starts to do stupid things GOD I'LL EVEN LICK HER PICTURE But not everything goes ok. It looks like that he got an opponent IN WHOLE CHERISHED BY TWO And she is undecided. Then with this anguish until she decides he gets on drinking and smoking a lot CARRIED LUNG...DRINK ONE MORE SO I COULD GO RIGHT IN HER He even thinks to start to lie IN SPITE I WILL LIE To get an average to this other guy. Will he win?


A scream to humanity. Wake up! Start to see things how they are THIS IS AIN'T NO MOTHERFUCKIN STICK UP Run away from the underground and come to the surface and look around YOU'LL WANT TO RUN STRAIGHT FROM UNDERGROUND Don't get caught to lies or illusions. Don't think that the "motherfuckin' stick up" wont cracks the glass. Because it sure will IT CRACKS TO THAT FUCKING DOME Maybe the lyrical and the verb are the solution AT THE BEST WALK THE LIVE FROM THE VERB Music could be a way to escape to problems and it sure help to forget all those shits ON THE BEATS I WON'T SEE YOUR FUCKIN' HEAD Above all freedom to say whatever we want, that's why we are here to give our contribute to society LYRICAL DID!!!WIPE!!! Open your eyes and see what's right or wrong GET STRAIGHT QUICKLEY If you got to say fuck say it BIG INTO THE WIPE!!! Better then get quiet until the stick up gets into your head BEEN MAKING FOOLS 'BOUT ROUND, BUMPING ROUND ME


Jealous! It's what "Fireal" about I WANT TO BE MUCH THAN MORE, WHILE I WATCH YOU Chino describes a bad feeling. As we listen "Fireal" it looks like that he's weak, and he wants to be like the guy next door I WILL MEET YOU 4th FLOOR Strong and powerful YOU KNOCK ME OUT This guy he's a "wall" on is way NO FIST TO FUCKIN' SAVE YOU FROM A "wall" because is to strong and decided I WOULD SHINE To win this "fight" things got to be equalized. That's why Chino wants to be like him to win and to pass him throw MADDOG Maybe in the end of this fight a sweet thing could be the prize EVERYTHING FELT GOOD...


It all ends as it starts. Quality above all. "Fist" is a simple but intelligent song. The message is simple. Love! YOU ARE MINE The need to be with her I NEED YOU The final love message YOU'RE THE FIRST STAR Without her he's nothing I'M SO DEAD and tiredness and sickness comes to bury him alive I'M SO TIRED AND SICK Sweet melody with a sweet voice ends this great album, from this great great band simply called Deftones.

|| MY OWN SUMMER (shove it)

The song that became the greatest hit from Deftones, airplay was given to this one. It's a symbol from the band...sadness against happiness CLOUD COME SHOVE THE SUN ASIDE The bad luck of being sad and poor in this world AND NO SUN IN MY SUMMER Loneliness caused by social discrimination it's what Chino tries to say THERE ARE NO CROWDS IN THE STREETS And living in the shade is a solution to get far away from this THE SHADE IS A TOOL, A DEVICE, A SAVIOR Someone wants to bring us down everyday I TRY AND LOOK UP TO THE SKY BUT MY EYES BURN These kind of people don't give a damn for nobody, only personal interests are in cause, this people are the sky (because they've got the cash) and when try to get next to them they give us such a punch that we got to return to our shade and stay still SHOVE IT


The fears of life, that's what "Lhabia" about HOLLER DOWNSTAIRS WHILE I DRIVE The evil in the streets, the black holes in society SOMEWHERE OUTSIDE THERE ARE TRICKS AND EVIL The evil lives outside, it scares us like shit SKIN BOUND BY A VOICE The fear is here to stay, traps are everywhere and so do the hunters I'LL BE FAINT LIKE A CROOK The only thing that helps to forget this are that ones that care about us AT LEST YOU FUCKING CARE


Here's love. Trademark from Deftones. But is always a mess this kind of love. Chino says that she's the one I WILL SINK INTO YOU Even with her bad things I HATE YOUR TATTOOS Maybe she's a mexican or japanese girl LONG SHADY EYES This seems to have been a hard love 'CAUSE THERE'S STILL BLOOD IN YOUR HAIR Or it could be irony to show how deep was their love I'M ALL ABOUT HER...


Just because that guy gets dressed like this, it doesn't mean that everybody gets dressed like that SHOULD I IGNORE YOUR FASHION Fake people it's what this world is full of HEY VANITY...HEY GLAMOURUS Only personal interests and always thinking on their image before human relations SPEAK! YOU'RE A LIAR A good looking always come first to them, but in that heads it's only emptiness THIS VIAL IS EMPTY We can't go to that way just because it's nice SHOULD I...GO BUY THE BOOK...I DON'T THINK SO Be ourselves above all I DON'T WANNA GET PISSED OFF!


Once again, self-esteem it?he issue I?OT ONE TO TRUST Why does people always look and point straight to our mistakes IT?O SIMPLE TO LOOK AT EVERY LITTLE THING I DO WRONG Instead when we make good actions nobody give a shit or even congratulates us IT?O SIMPLE TO OVERLOOK AT EVERY LITTLE THING I DO RIGHT Mental instability cover our minds YOU?PROBABLY RIGHT THIS TIME BUT I DON?ANT TO LISTEN Close our minds and isolation comes to take us away I LOOSE THINGS TOO MUCH Shutting our mouths is the very best way to make stop others disagree AND IF IT WAS MINE TO SAY I WOULDN?AY IT

|| BE QUIET AND DRIVE (far away)

Simple but touching. Seems that someone's interfering on this couple's love. And if love doesn?ork out here, because this people, why not try there? THIS TOWN DON?EEL MINE Escape from the edge of problems NOW DRIVE ME FAR AWAY Lovers could be happier in another place, where they could be in peace, just they IT FEELS GOOD TO KNOW YOUR MINE If moving is the solution, ok...keep moving but always as far as possible AND I DON?ARE WHERE JUST FAR??Y


Chino get really sick on this one! I FEEL SICK RIGHT HERE Someone, somebody really pissed him of! IT COMES SHIFTS THEN GETS RUINED BY YOU FUCKING SLOBS This looks to happen often BUT IT'S CLASSICAL ANYWAYS Better start to pack in, and get way FINE 'CAUSE THIS WHERE THE SEPARATION STARTS RISING Who's fault...his he the one who's not cool HOW COOL ARE YOU? Sure not, the other part yes! I REMEMBER, I FEEL SICK That "you" is nothing, it's just a pair of arms, two legs and on the middle a fuckin' face AND WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU ANYWAY YOU FUCK! Always with the fuckin' money thing on that head MONEY PLEASE Even starts begging on their knees ARISE UP OFF THE FUCKIN' KNEES Go find your peace of heart and then come here TRY TO FIND YOU'RE FUCKIN' HEART...


Not a 100% confidence on her love ALWAYS WONDER WHAT IT TAKES He knows that she loves her I KNOW THAT YOU LOVE ME But...there is always a but GOING OFF GOING ON It looks like a dream AND BAT YOUR EYES NOW Only with a needle in the skin he knows that this is not a dream I BELIEVE THE STING Maybe now he's the one who's make things hard...


Never put your head inside your shell HEAD UP HIGH Straight looking...no fear, fuck the rest! If you got brains why not to use it AND THE MIND IS A TOOL Show yours personality, grow up and remember that you are one WITH ATTITUDE WILL AND SOME SPIRIT Born for what? To make and to do what others say? FLY HIGH Make yourself your wings and get in to it... SOMETIMES LIFE WILL BE COMING OFF Start to see things as they are WHACK AND WILL OPEN YOUR EYES "Headup" is a scream for pleasures of life 'cause if we are here why not to stay here for good? WHEN YOU WALK INTO THIS WORLD...

|| MX

A perfect girl, that's it!?!?! YOU'RE SO SWEET...YOUR SMILE...YOUR PUSSY...YOUR BONES He shows here that she's the one...but she doesn't give a damm I'M TIRED OF PROVING THIS LOVE But love is love and she's all he ever wanted too BUT YOU MOVE ME...WITH YOUR STYLE No girl, what to do? Keep dreamin' LET ME THINK ABOUT GIRLS On Mx Chino really wanted a girl to trade off lines with him through the song, and the only one around at the time was Abe's wife Annalynn, who at first had adamantly refused. After much coercion, she finally gave in and provided a voice to contrast against Chino's wishes.


Hidden Track, but a great and powerful song...what a message! What a mess, Chino got us in to...It looks like this is a song for the ones that are lost, or losers! SO FAR, I'VE BEEN DRIVING WITHOUT YOU, EXCEPT FOR YOU'VE RAN WHEN IT'S STILL DARK Is he the one who's lost, maybe her or even us...all of us are a little bit lost! ASLEEP IN THIS HOLE Sinkin' without do nothing stills a chance I'M STILL DROWN Messed minds come to take us away and make our life like shit WHAT'S ON!!! NO WHY!?!? NO!?!?!? WHY!?!!?


Being someone in life is the kind of advice Chino gives on ?k to School??nd the solution is school So why don't you run back to school! If we want to be someone in this life we gotta have brains and school is the place Now grab a notebook and a pen Start taking notes But remember to study and not to play with it Behind the walls Smoking' cigarettes and sipping' vodka Don?aste your life, every second is more important than you think it is Who ruined it? You did! If you got brains you?dispense a lot of irrelevant people on your future life Not that you need them - cause you don't Everyone could be the coolest guy in the world!!! We are the leaders of it all So cool we could even appear in the news All you are, Now I'm on the next page But for all this we gotta accurate our personality Transpose...Or stop your lies It? hard way to perfection


Chino said that ?s song was named after a brazilian female, but it?yrically about a kidnapping scenario??d that?hat we can see. This brazilian female is a sex-symbol in Brazil because she makes men suffer. click here to see a photo of her. A woman kidnapping a man it?nusual in nowadays but in ?ticeira?? happened Untie me for now He?rrested by this girl, she? kind of psycho or something Soon I'll let you go She should be strong than a normal man Buckled! ...but I'm on my knees And she took a good average over him, I think she used violence my jaw and my teeth hurt God! What a psycho she even forced him for a photo session of them together The machines take pictures of us He?o hopeless, he thinks that he?never get rid of her The police stopped chasing She takes him everywhere, over and over move to the back of the car She?o crazy about him, but she?ad and got contradictory thoughts Well I hope soon, she sang And she?ot the one to trust You said you would right, and you were right She?ike an animal, she need fresh meat I'M HER New...Cool...Meat He tries to use blackmail against her, he said that he would join her if she releases him First untie me Then if she releases him he would became in what she?ight now New murderer But that?nly a lie to escape form her claws, but anyways it all ends Soon this will be all over


One of the most romantic songs ever! It really makes people thinking about love and all around it, simply great. The chorus is so celestial, Chino?oice is up far from other voice in this world TONIGHT I FEEL LIKE MORE Yeah! Something really cool happened that night, they were so happy on that night, I think they made sex You breathed then you stop, I breathed and drive you off She?o perfect You move like I want to She?ll he asked for, she's compared to some kind of a supernatural or an alien girl You taste foreign All he wants is to stay alone with her We are...downstairs Where no one can see A place where no one could disturb them...


For the ones that criticize Deftones for being so romantic and for having many calm songs, here it is a big def-metal-finger to those hypocrites. ?te?? so heavy! And it really had to be, because it is a social critic to leaders and one-men show. It shows that those kind of people will never be happy and they wont stay a long time around here When you're ripe You'll bleed out of control Someday they will fall down Confused, You'll know when you're ripe But after all they will start to see themselves as people and will try to get some affection You like attention , it proof to you you're alive But they gotta stop with their bad feelings But I lost my taste Stress is possessing their bodies You're into depression Cause it matches your eyes That?atal! They are sad people with sad minds You're pregnant
With all this space Thick with money Money! Money! It's all they think about...


Another X girl, after Mx it?ime for Rx. The ? I think it?he initial letter of her name, as it was with the ?in Mx. A part of him is so safe that she?is girl 'Cus your my girl and that's alright But his other side is unconfident about her and he starts to pursuit her, day by day to see if she has a secret lover I wont stop following you He starts to use imaginary things to show her how big is their love We'll stop to rest on the moon, We'll make fire He even steals for her I'll steal a carcass for you She?is virus, a kind of love virus Then feed off the virus But this virus could be a malign one if things get worst I hear crying Weird things could happen after this love You turn a newborn baby blue


An easy one! See he met this girl?? I think that he was a bit stoned or drunk 6-6-4?? I forget They met each other and it seems it was love at first sight It?ot like I care??ly. But YOU'RE that girl?? gave his address Here?y new address... And they kissed So write it down, now that you get a kiss! But it looks that he was really stoned, because only at the third time he remembered his own address, of course it was a new one but??till think he got a lot of fun that night 6-6-5 OH??onfess


A not corresponded love. She changed her away and his feeling so bad about it Now I'm through with a new you She?nother person and he really tries to get into her but she doesn?ive a damn about him I climbed your arms and you pulled away He keeps giving examples of how much he did to win her love?? no way I drove you home then you moved away He?o hurt with her New cavity moved into my heart today She was his reason for being here The more she sings the more it seems He?bout to loose everything even is self-esteem The more I scream the more it seems


?fe Party??ows how deep love can be. Suicide it?he main target My knife it's sharp and chrome come see inside my bones It talks about being sick of life 'Cause in here we're all anemic We?all a bunch of weak in here anemic AND SWEET So why keep on living? Go get your knife, go get your knife and lay down But there?ne problem??re?omeone important in here, if she came it would be just perfect Go get your knife, go get your knife now kiss me Both in the same trip, the happiest man and the perfect woman I'm the new king, I'll take the queen Death doesn?matter! What really counts it?eing with her I can float here forever And of course dead people can?eel and can?ouch In this room we can't touch the floor


It?ard to explain ?ea?? looks like a bunch of mixed words with no special order. Maybe ?ea??lks about women that pass the day on the street (prostitutes) Nighttime! CAVITY! TO COME IN! I think it?ll about prostitutes, Chino also mentioned leather and as you know prostitutes use leather a lot and red leather is so unusual in a normal person Of white skin on red leather Prostitutes also use fake nails CHECK the claws we got And they?spent much of their time downtown, where costumers are much more Downtown! And in downtown they?got to protect their own zones and make it as lucrative as they can, just like a regular shop Work your pitch! Sex is represented by the word pony (the up and down movement) sex looks like a worse ride Pony! In daytime, some are striptease dancers Daytime! Dancer! But always with a pimp beside their backs I'LL COME inside! This pimp is their teacher and he teaches each one to survive on this crazy world GOT MY teacher...and carve your niche! And everywhere there are women with no other way to escape from poverty and other shits and that?hy some choose this way of life It's yours!!! Your turn to come inside!


On this song Maynard from Tool was invited to trade lines with Chino. And a hell of a job they both made! This is a typical psychedelic Tool song. It?ll about being a passenger on, what it seems to be an infinite journey Go and go and don't just drive me home and back again! It looks like this passenger feels comfortable on his trip and don?eally cares with anything or anybody Let the whole world look in who cares who sees anything? The vehicle is traveling in seems to be an old but well conserved classic car The chrome buttons buckled on leather surfaces??e...cool seats there He begs the driver to never stop Don't pull over And if he really wants to make him a good favor drive as fast as possible This time won't you please Drive faster!!! A sad passenger is what he?urned into, maybe running away from personal problems Take me to the end... As he travels the more he want to, as far as possible and as many time as possible Here I lay Just like always

|| CHANGE (in the house of flies)

Just because this was Pony?irst single it doesn?ean that it is a simple and understandable song because it sure isn?So many people have different points of view of ?nge??t the more obvious is that the main issue is getting older and the consequences of it I watched you change His new grown up is named as ? fly??cause now he/she is not an innocent or pure person You WERE ON FIRE And as we all know a fly is an insect that stands over anything even over shit! This is what happens to humanity, because when people reaches a certain age, new things happen like step on bad things and make too many times the same mistakes and in the end people don?now how to explain it, wings here means words or meanings It's like you never had wINGS This is an pessimist sight of growing up but there?ood things too, it?he time of our life we felt so free to do everything we want to And you feel so alive It?hen We find our love, and start to date I took you home, Set you on the glass In many cases is now that virginity is lost I pulled off your wings But problems are much more in this age, sometimes the only thing that pleases us is to kill ourselves Give you the gun, Blow me away Maybe that?he way


As always Deftones hidden track is as good as anyone before??s one is divided in two parts, the first one talks about a girl (again) maybe the same from the first tracks or another (we?never know) this girl is special too, and he?n loved with her 'Cause I'm on fire And he will always stick to her I'll stick you But once again things are not ok, it?ard to understand this kind of love, it?ike a knife with two beaks So forget about me He might have a whore I'm so...into...this whore And he wants her to disappear, because he's afraid of losing he's real love Afraid...I might...lose her Hard to understand, easy to love??te Pony a perfect sequence??nks DefTones!