Welcome to the Slytherins
Game People only
For those that Play Dark age of Camelot and are in the guild slytherin then this is for you.I am useing this site for other things so you may use the whole site this page is for you guys and girls only.
Guild Rankings
Rank Zero =Captain same responsibilities pluse demote
Rank One =Keepers same responsibilities pluse promote
Rank Two =Chassers same responsibilities pluse Invite
Rank Three =Beeters same responsibilitys
Rank Four =Seekers same responsibilitys
Rank Five =Fith Years same responsibillitys pluse emblem
Rank Six =Fourth Years same responsibillitys as rank seven
Rank Seven =Third Years same responsibillitys pluse alliance speak and hear
Rank Eight =Second Years same responsibillities
Rank Nine =Oc hear and Gc hear and speak
Guild Rules
Rule Number One: If you want the emblem and no one gives you the promotion then you must ask eaither me or the Head GuildMaster with the char's name and we will all meet andfind out why. Our emails are listed under Webmasters eamil.The big one is me the second one his him.
Rule Number Two: There will be no begging for anything such as money.If you see anyone in our guild begging please give eiather myself or the Head GuildMaster a tell.
Rule Number Three: If anyone ask's if they can join the guild ask an officer or a GuildMaster. The guildMasters Emails can be found under WebmastersEmail.
Rule Number Four: Have fun and obey the rules plz.