Heavenly Creatures

F.A.Q Borovnia, sex and violence.

** Why are Borovnia and sex and violence so interconnected?
'Hormones.' Readers who are still adolescents will have no problem seeing the connection between wild romantic fantasy, intense sexual passion, and dangerous violent excitement. The rest of us may have to cast our minds back a few years, but I am sure it will all come back. The important thing to remember is that, for most of us (and perhaps for the real Pauline and Juliet, too), such things remain fantasies--'harmless' dreams and mental exercises that are part of growing up and being human. Besides, most of what was shown in Borovnia was scripted by the real Pauline Parker and the real Juliet Hulme, anyway.

** Was all that violent fantasy all that unusual?
No. The Bronte sisters had similar fantasies and wrote/ drew/ acted similar literary exercises when they were growing up. For many years, apparently. So too, it would seem, did the Crumb family. See Terry Zwigoff's 1995 film "Crumb" about the cartoonist/graphic artist Robert Crumb and his quite ... extraordinary ... family.

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© Laurence S Moss