3. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

What was the rating of "Heavenly Creatures?" [jp]
"Heavenly Creatures" was rated 'R' in America (children under 17 not admitted without accompanying parent or guardian).
The film was rated '18' in the U.K.
"Heavenly Creatures" deals with mature subjects, including a brutal murder, a parricide (with formally off-screen violence), in a frank, intense and very engaging manner. There are mature erotic and sexual themes and situations depicted. There is brief, partial nudity. There is brief, explicit on-screen violence depicted. There is no full nudity, nor explicit profanity. There are themes explored which may be offensive to persons with deep Christian convictions.

If "Heavenly Creatures" does not sound like your kind of film, then the "Heavenly Creatures" FAQ is probably not going to be to your liking, either, and you are invited to stop reading.

Which "Heavenly Creature" was unmasked by the press? [jp]
In July 1994 it was revealed by an investigative reporter that Juliet Hulme is now living and working under the name Anne Perry. Ms Perry is a successful and popular author of Victorian murder mysteries. See 3.2.4, 3.2.7 and 7.10.2 for selected biographical information and 7.11 for more information on Anne Perry's fiction.

** What is the FAQ policy regarding data on Ms Perry? [jp]
Anne Perry chose to live her life in the public sphere and has published biographical information for public consumption.  Since it was revealed, in 1994, that she was Juliet Hulme, Ms Perry has made public statements about the film "Heavenly Creatures," about the "Parker Hulme" case, about herself, about other people connected with the film and the case, about her life as Juliet Hulme and her life as Anne Perry and, of course, about her work.
In general, the FAQ compiler has tended to omit most material concerning Ms Perry's personal life since her release from prison in 1959 and the adoption of her new identity, although Ms Perry talks freely of her new life in interviews. I have included some data from personal information supplied by Ms Perry herself for publication in 'official' biographies.
The FAQ compiler believes that it is appropriate to consider including Ms Perry's statements which concern people and events from before her release from prison in December 1959. An exhaustive compilation has not been made, of course, but representative statements of Ms Perry have been collected and presented here. In fact, Ms Perry has provided valuable input in her recent public statements, clearing up several ambiguities and correcting false information, as well as offering some insight into her reasons for participating in the murder.
The FAQ compiler also believes that it is appropriate to examine and discuss Ms Perry's published work.

** What is the FAQ policy regarding data on Juliet Hulme? [jp]
Juliet Hulme formally changed her identity in November 1959, upon her release from prison. The FAQ compiler believes that it is appropriate to consider for inclusion in the FAQ all information on Juliet Hulme relevant to the "Parker Hulme" case from dates prior to December 1959. This does not mean that all information on Juliet Hulme is appropriate for inclusion, of course.

** What about the other "Heavenly Creature?" [jp]
Pauline Parker has remained out of the public sphere since being released from parole in 1965. Ms Parker has not identified herself publicly since that time and she has not made any public statements concerning "Heavenly Creatures" or the "Parker Hulme" case. Ms Parker's privacy has been respected by the Press and her new identity has not been revealed publicly without her permission.

** What is the FAQ policy regarding data on Ms Parker? [jp]
Pauline Parker formally changed her identity in December 1959, upon her release from prison. She remained on parole until 1965, at which time legitimate public interest in Ms Parker ended, in the opinion of the FAQ compiler. The FAQ compiler has included only one piece of published information regarding Ms Parker from after that date because it does not constitute an invasion of her privacy and it has some bearing on the case, in my opinion. The FAQ compiler believes that it is appropriate to consider for inclusion in the FAQ all information on Pauline Parker relevant to the "Parker Hulme" case from dates prior to December 1959 and some information between that date and 1965. This does not mean that all information about Pauline Parker is appropriate for inclusion, of course.

** What is the FAQ policy regarding Pauline Parker's diaries? [jp]
Until mid-1994, Pauline Parker's diaries for 1953 and 1954 were, in many ways, the most contentious aspects of the case. Opinion is still very divided about whether or not publication of diary entries is appropriate.
The FAQ compiler believes that publication of all material entered into open evidence in the public trial is appropriate, and that includes the diaries. The FAQ compiler has included all diary quotations encountered in the open literature. Sources include newspaper accounts of trial testimony, scholarly papers, scholarly books, popular accounts and "Heavenly Creatures." This FAQ contains the most complete collection of diary entries in the public domain, with entries from more than 100 days so far, but this still represents a small fraction of the total diary days, 537, and an even smaller fraction of the total material. Readers are warned (and this is an important issue discussed in several scholarly analyses) that the small set of available diary entries may paint a distorted picture.  And readers should bear in mind that Pauline Parker's diaries were declared in Court to be admissable as evidence against Pauline Parker only, even though that was far from the actual situation during the trial.

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© Laurence S Moss