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Sexual problems treatment

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sexual problems treatment 

a variety of illnesses, diseases and problems can be helped by using vitamin, mineral and nutritional supplements - and on this page, and accompanying pages, we try to bring you a selection of nutritional ingredients, including vitamins and other nutritional ingredients that may benefit your particular problem. These suggestions must not be seen as an alternative to medical treatment or medical advise, and if in doubt, please consult your registered medical professional.

Left untreated these problems can have a ripple effect and cause other situations to become more problematic - if you are interested in helping your body to fight this particular problem, have a look at the suggestions below, which could be beneficial to you.

sexual problems may dealt with by the following:



ginseng - info

many types of ginseng are used in supplements and vary from Siberian, Korean to American, with each one claiming to be the best. The active ingredient which contains the "magical" properties is ginsenosides or eleuthrosides in the case of the Siberian type and the root is the part of the plant used to obtain the active ingredient.

required for 

It has been used for the past 7,000 years in traditional Asian medicine, and is prescribed for a variety of problems ranging from stress, failing memory, obesity, flagging vitality, exhaustion, improving the immune system, fatigue, improving fertility and virility as well as a general strengthening tonic for the body. 

Some also believe that it can be used in preventing certain cancers, and because of improved blood circulation, it is also used by people in assisting with Alzheimer's disease.

Korean ginseng is also known as panax ginseng, Ren Shen or Chinese ginseng while female ginseng is also known as dong quai or angelica sinensis, American ginseng as panax quiquefolium and Siberian ginseng as Eleutherococcus senticosus. Some people have the notion that some ginsengs are more active than others, but in essence they are all nearly the same.

Russian scientists believe that ginseng, which is an adaptogen (more on adaptogens), stimulated physical and mental activity while also improving the endocrine gland function and having a positive effect on sex glands. It is useful in sparing the use of glycogen (glycogen is a sugar stored in the liver and muscles) as it increases the use of fatty acids (fatty acids discussed further).

Furthermore it is used to enhance athletic performance, assisting in rejuvenating the body, increasing longevity, detoxifying the body, improving skin and muscle tone and perking up your metabolism.

The root is normally 3 - 4 years old when used, but the best roots are those growing for 60 - 80 years, but are so expensive that they are not used in commercial applications. 

Although western society really got to know ginseng as a sexual stimulant in the beginning, it is a valuable ingredient for enhancing general well-being and health. 

ginseng dosage 

Not being an essential nutrient, no RDA exist on this ingredient, but quantities of around 200 mg in extract form is mostly used in a multi-supplement, while pure ginseng supplements normally contain up to 1,000 mg per capsule / dose.

toxicity & symptoms of high intake 

A very high intake of ginseng may cause temporary breast tenderness and people with high blood pressure and hypoglycemia should be careful of using high dosages of this ingredient.


muira puama

muira puama information

This Brazilian herb muira puama, also referred to as murapuama, is mostly known for its effective help with erectile dysfunction and increasing libido and as aphrodisiac - but is also an excellent tonic for increasing general well-being and mental tiredness.

Muira puama is a bush / small tree up to 5 meters in height and produce pungent flowers with a jasmine like fragrance. 

The indigenous tribes in Brazil have used use the roots and bark internally as a tea as an aphrodisiac, for treating sexual debility and erectile dysfunction, nervous system disorders, neuralgia, baldness, impotency, gastrointestinal disorders, neuromuscular problems and rheumatism. 

Murapuama has been used as a herb in Europe for some time and is listed in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, a source on herbal medicine from the British Herbal Medicine Association, and is recommended for the treatment of dysentery and impotence. 

It is from the Olacaceae family, and the genus is Ptychopetalum (species olacoides) and is also known as Muira Puama, Marapuama, Marapama, Potency Wood and Potenzholz. The bark and roots are used in herbal treatments.

Although many people are skeptical about sexual stimulant or "herbal viagra's" as such, the mura puama herb has been shown by Dr. Jacques Waynberg, a world authority on sexual functioning, of the Institute of Sexology in Paris, France, that it is effective in assisting in increasing sexual desire as well as attaining and maintaining an erection.

The action of the muira puama herb is not fully understood but it seems to assist with both the psychological as well as the physical aspect of sexual function. 

muira puama contains

The active constituents are free long-chain fatty acids, sterols, coumarin, alkaloids and essential oils. Chemically, it contains .05% muirapuamine, .4% fat, .5% alkaloids, .6% pholbaphene, .6% alpha-resinic acid, .7% beta resinic acid, .5% of a mixture of esters including behenic acid, lupeol and beta-sitosterol, as well as tannin, volatile oils and fatty acids. 

Muira puama is considered a safe herb, whereas another herbal sexual stimulant called yohimbine can induce anxiety, panic attacks, and hallucinations in some individuals, as well as elevated blood pressure, high heart rate, dizziness, headache, and skin flushing. 

Although some people maintain that muira puama is just a general tonic, there are far more confirmations out there in the real world from satisfied users, to the fact that it is great for assisting with erectile dysfunction and increasing sexual enjoyment.



histidine amino acid

histidine is an essential amino acid, manufactured in sufficient quantities in adults, but children may at some time have a shortage of this important vitamin. It is one of the basic (reference to pH factor) amino acids due to its aromatic nitrogen-heterocyclic imidazole side chain. This amino acid is metabolized into the neurotransmitter histamine and the set of genes that produce the enzymes responsible for histidine synthesis.

required for

Histidine is also a precursor of histamine, a compound released by immune system cells during an allergic reaction.

It is needed for growth and for the repair of tissue, as well as the maintenance of the myelin sheaths that act as protector for nerve cells.

It is further required for the manufacture of both red and white blood cells, and helps to protect the body from damage caused by radiation and in removing heavy metals from the body.

In the stomach, histidine is also helpful in producing gastric juices, and people with a shortage of gastric juices or suffering from indigestion, may also benefit from this nutrient.

deficiency indications

None known, but it is reported that an increase in the intake of this nutrient helps with the lengthening of orgasms and also more intense sexual enjoyment.


The dosage listed is the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), but be aware that that this dosage is the minimum that you require per day, to ward of serious deficiency of this particular nutrient. In the therapeutic use of this nutrient, the dosage is usually increased considerably, but the toxicity level must be kept in mind.

Some people take 1,000 mg of histidine two to three times per day in capsule or tablet form but it is best to work out the dosage requirements as 8-10 mg per day per kilogram of body weight.

toxicity & symptoms of high intake

There are no reported side effects with histidine.

Too high levels of histidine may lead to stress and mental disorders such as anxiety and people with schizophrenia have been found to have high levels of histidine. 

People suffering from schizophrenia or bipolar (manic) depression should not take a histidine supplement without the approval of their medical professional.

best used with

Best taken with vitamin B3 (niacin) and B6 (pyridoxine).

extra needed when and if

Although not conclusively proven it is thought that histidine may be beneficial to people suffering from arthritis and nerve deafness.

other interesting points

Histidine is also used for sexual arousal, functioning and enjoyment

Histidinemia is an inborn error of the metabolism of histidine due to a deficiency of the enzyme histidase, where high levels of histidine is found in the blood and urine, and may manifest in speech disorders and mental retardation.

histidine found in food sources

Dairy, meat, poultry, and fish are good sources of histidine as well as rice, wheat and rye.



arginine amino acid

arginine is a non-essential amino acid and is abundant in protamines and histones both proteins associated with nucleic acids and was first isolated in 1895 from animal horn. Newborns may produce this amino acid too slowly and for them arginine should be seen as an essential amino acid.

required for

It is extremely useful in enhancing the immune system, and it increases the size and activity of the thymus gland, which is responsible for manufacturing T lymphocytes the much talked about T-cells, which assists the immune system. For this reason it might be an important nutrient for people suffering from AIDS and other malignant diseases which suppress the immune system.

In the pancreas it is used to release insulin and in the pituitary gland it is a component of human growth hormone, and is used in sexual stimulants, as people report longer and more intense orgasms when their intake of arginine is increased.

It is also important in liver health and assists in neutralizing ammonia in the liver, while it is also involved in the skin and connective tissue making it important in healing and repair of tissue as well as the formation of collagen as well as building of new bone and tendons.

Arginine is found in seminal fluid and L-arginine is used in the treatment of male sexual health and has been used in the treatment of sterility.

It is required in muscle metabolism maintaining the nitrogen balance, and helping with weight control since it facilitates the increase of muscle mass, while reducing body fat.

deficiency indications

Rare but signs may include impaired insulin production as well as possible hair loss.


Dosage listed is the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), but be aware that that this dosage is the minimum that you require per day, to ward of serious deficiency of this particular nutrient. In the therapeutic use of this nutrient, the dosage is usually increased considerably, but the toxicity level must be kept in mind.

toxicity & symptoms of high intake

Rare, but symptoms of massive dosages may include skin thickening and coarsening of the skin, weakness, diarrhea, nausea, as well as increasing the activity of some viruses. For this reason people suffering from herpes should avoid high dosage. Pregnant and lactating women and people suffering from schizophrenia should also avoid high dosage.

other interesting points

Arginine pyroglutamate, in addition to having cognitive enhancing effects, is an excellent growth hormone releaser because it is carried more efficiently across the blood- brain barrier than arginine alone. In Italy, this form of the amino acid is used to treat senility, mental retardation, and alcoholism. Arginine pyroglutamate is an arginine molecule combined with a pyroglutamate molecule. Arginine alone does not produce cognitive enhancing effects.

This nutrient is gaining popularity as a nonprescription treatment for high cholesterol as animal studies and preliminary studies in humans suggest that it may improve coronary blood flow and lower cholesterol levels, with its antioxidant property and helping keep blood-vessel tissue elastic.

arginine found in food sources

Whole-wheat, nuts, seeds, peanuts, brown rice, popcorn, soy, raisins, chocolate, carob


ginkbo bilboa

ginkgo biloba information

ginkgo biloba is a powerful antioxidant and is well known for its powerful action to enhance circulation, even to the smallest of body parts, and apart from helping with the blood flow, it is thought to also make the blood less sticky. It is also sometimes referred to as GBE (Ginkgo Biloba Extract)

Although it is considered a new participant in nutrition in America, it has been used for centuries by the Chinese, and has become a conventional supplement in Europe.

Because of its powerful effect on brain, mood and mental functions, it is also referred to as the "smart herb" and is great for reducing high blood pressure, inhibiting blood clots and as an anti-aging supplement.

Ginkgo biloba improves brain functioning by increasing the cerebral and peripheral blood flow, the circulation and oxygenation.

It is used to treat depression headaches, memory loss, boosting short-term memory, vertigo, tinnitis, leg cramps, asthma, eczema, heart and kidney disorders, impotence, penile dysfunction and male infertility.

The leaves of this herb has been used for thousands of years and contains ginkgolides and heterosides, but needs to be taken for some time for the full effect to be felt.

Some individuals may experience gastrointestinal upsets with large dosages of ginkgo biloba.


Tribulus terrestris

tribulus terrestris - info

 the herb tribulus terrestris shows remarkable qualities in naturally increasing the level of luteinizing hormone levels (LH) thereby improving the manufacture of testosterone in the body - a level of up to 30% is claimed. It is furthermore used by people doing serious bodybuilding.

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This herbal supplement has been used for centuries in Eastern cultures, and the active ingredient is extracted from the fruits. The fruits contain alkaloids, resins, tannins, sugars, sterols, essential oil, peroxidase, diastase and glucoside. 

It has been used as a diuretic, tonic and aphrodisiac, urinary disorders, gout, impotence etc.

The saponins contained in this product is thought to help convert androstenedione and DHEA into testosterone, since a low level of lh in the body will impede the conversion.  

Since tribulus terrestris helps with increasing the level of the luteinizing hormone in the body, the formation and synthesis of the testicular male sex hormone testosterone would be improved. 

tribulus terrestris dosage

Since it is not an essential ingredient no RDA has been established for human consumption.


zinc dietary trace element

zinc is one of the minerals men should never be without. (see lower down on page)

required for

It is necessary for a healthy immune system, and is also of use in fighting skin problems such as acne, boils and sore throat. It is further needed for cell division, and is needed by tissue of the hair, nails and skin to be in top form. Zinc is further used in the growth and maintenance of muscles.

Children, for normal growth and sexual development also require zinc.

It also seems as if zinc helps to control the oil glands, and is also required for the synthesis of protein and collagen - which is great for wound healing and a healthy skin.

deficiency indications

There is a shortage of zinc in many peoples diet, since zinc is destroyed in the milling process and is also lost in cooking. A deficiency will result in a under-performing immune system, open to infections, allergies, night blindness, loss of smell, falling hair, white spots under finger nails, skin problems, sleep disturbances etc.

Men with zinc in shortage may have a problem with fertility, while women may experience irregular periods. Children with too little zinc may have stunted growth and slow sexual maturity.

With too little in the body, the sense of smell might suffer, as well as your sense of taste.


The dosage is the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), but be aware that that this dosage is the minimum that you require per day, to ward of serious deficiency of this particular nutrient. In the therapeutic use of this nutrient, the dosage is usually increased considerably, but the toxicity level must be kept in mind.

In the case of microelements, such as trace elements, the amounts are very small, yet they are still important.

toxicity & symptoms of high intake

Elevated intake of zinc (1- 2 gram per day) over an extended period can actually harm your immune system instead of assisting it. Intake of zinc should be kept to under 100 mg per day as larger amounts may result in nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness and hallucinations.

If you wish to take a zinc supplement, rather take it at night on a empty stomach, as zinc can interfere with the absorption of other minerals such as copper and iron. In a multi-vitamin situation, make sure that the zinc and iron is nearly in the same amounts.

Large intake of zinc can cause nausea and diarrhea

best used with

A good combination in nutrition would be adequate levels of copper, calcium, phosphorous, selenium, vitamin A, B6 and E.

extra needed when and if

Men should always ensure enough zinc in their diets, since the health of their prostate gland is linked to zinc. Zinc is needed to manufacture testosterone and a shortage may induce a low sperm count, loss of libido and other emotional problems. Zinc may also be helpful in fighting infection and inflammation of the prostate gland in older men. It is lost on ejaculation, since sperm needs this mineral to swim towards the egg.

If a women is taking a birth control pill, or receiving hormone replacement therapy extra zinc may be indicated, and all vegans and vegetarians should also consider their zinc intake, as well as people suffering from psoriasis and women while pregnant or lactating.

People consuming large amounts of alcohol may also be at risk of lowered zinc levels

enemy of nutrient

Meat is better sources of zinc as certain whole grains contain phytic acid, which binds to zinc, making it un-absorbable.

Zinc is lost through excessive sweating.

other interesting points

Sucking zinc tablets may help with fighting a cold, although some people experience nausea from sucking these tablets.

zinc food sources

Great sources are found in muscle meat, poultry, fish and seafood, while grains, nuts, eggs, seeds and brewers yeast also supply good quality zinc.


vitamin e


vitamin  E - tocopherol - info

vitamin E has earned itself a reputation - from spicing up your sex life to banning wrinkles and old age. One of the most important functions of this vitamin is its antioxidant properties. Vitamin E is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that includes eight naturally occurring compounds in two classes designated as tocopherols and tocotrienols. 

Vitamin E is an effective chain-breaking, lipid-soluble antioxidant in biological membranes, and aids in membrane stability.

required for

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, protects your cells from oxidation, and neutralizes unstable free radicals, which can cause damage. This is done by the vitamin e giving up one of its electrons to the electron deficient free radical, making it more stable. While Vitamin E performs its antioxidant functions, it also protects the other antioxidants from being oxidized.

This antioxidant capability is then also great in helping to prevent degenerative diseases - including heart disease, strokes, arthritis, senility, diabetes and cancer. It also assists in fighting heart disease and cancers and is essential for red blood cells, helps with cellular respiration and protects the body from pollution - specially the lungs. Vitamin E is also useful in preventing blood clots from forming and does promote fertility, reduce and/or prevent hot flushes in menopause. An increase in stamina and endurance is also attributed to vitamin e.

Vitamin E is also used topically to great effect for skin treatments - in helping the skin look younger, promoting healing and cutting down the risk of scar tissue forming. Used on the skin it is also reported to help with eczema, skin ulcers cold sores and shingles.

More info on free radicals.

deficiency indications

Deficiency of vitamin e is not common, and the symptoms not very clear cut, but may include fatigue, inflamed varicose veins, wounds healing slowly, premature aging and sub-fertility. When vitamin e is in short supply symptoms may include acne, anemia, muscle disease, dementia, cancers, gallstones, shortened red blood cell life span, spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), and uterine degeneration.


The dosage underneath is the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), but be aware that that this dosage is the minimum that you require per day, to ward of serious deficiency of this particular nutrient. In the therapeutic use of this nutrient, the dosage is usually increased considerably, but the toxicity level must be kept in mind.

Males 300 iu (10 mg) per day and females 8 mg per day

toxicity & symptoms of high intake

Toxicity is not easily reached. High intakes may induce diarrhea, nausea or abdominal wind. People on anticoagulant medication should not take more than 1,200 iu per day.

best used with

Take vitamin e with the range of antioxidants - that being vitamin C, beta-carotene and selenium. Vitamin B group vitamins as well as inositol and manganese is also indicated.

extra needed when and if

When your diet is high in refined carbohydrates, fried foods and fat, or you are taking a birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy, then a supplement of vitamin e might be called for. People suffering from pre-menstrual cramps, menopausal hot flushes, after a stoke or suffering from a heart disease might benefit from vitamin e. It might also be beneficial to relieve painful or swollen joints, if you are exposed to pollution (that is about all of us), suffer from poor circulation or from Dupuytren's disease, which is a thickening of the ligaments in the hands.

enemy of nutrient

Vitamin E is lost in food processing which includes milling, cooking, freezing, long storage periods and when exposed to air.

Vitamin e should not be taken together with inorganic iron supplements as it may destroy the vitamin, while organic iron, such as ferrous gluconate and ferrous fumarate does not affect the vitamin.

other interesting points

When buying a supplement you often see "d-alpha-tocopherol" on the list of ingredients - that means that the vitamin e is from natural sources, whereas "dl-alpha-tocopherol" will indicate that it is from synthetic origin. As such the origin of the vitamin does not influence the efficiency thereof.

food sources

Vitamin e is found in nuts, oils, vegetables, sunflower seeds, whole grains, spinach, oils, seeds, wheat oils, asparagus, avocado, beef, seafood, apples, carrots, celery etc


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