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The health information contained here is provided for educational purposes
only and is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare provider
 All decisions regarding patient care must be made with a healthcare
provider and consider the unique characteristics of each patient.
Side effects with Lupron Depot alone are generally those related to
hypoestrogenism, including vasomotor flushes, headaches, and vaginal
dryness. After six months of therapy with Lupron Depot 3.75 mg, vertebral
bone density decreased by an average of 3.2%, compared with pretreatment
value. Partial to complete recovery of bone density was recorded in the
posttreatment period.
The most commonly reported side effects of Lupron Depot plus norethindrone
acetate 5 mg daily were hot flashes, headache, nausea/vomiting, depression/
emotional lability, and asthenia. In addition, Lupron Depot plus norethindrone
acetate-treated patients had significantly decreased HDL levels and
significantly increased LDL/HDL ratios. After treatment, mean serum lipid
levels from patients with follow-up data returned to pretreatment values.
Norethindrone acetate should be used with caution in women with
cardiovascular risk factors including lipid abnormalities and cigarette
smoking. Refer to the norethindrone acetate prescribing information for
warnings, precautions, contraindications and adverse reactions.
Although the disease more commonly occurs in women in their 20s and 30s,
endometriosis can affect women at any time during childbearing years. In
fact, it is estimated that endometriosis affects 10% to 20% of premenopausal
women in the United States.
what is endometriosis?
Endometriosis occurs when tissues like those that line the uterus grow outs
ide the uterus. The growths associated with endometriosis often occur on
the ovaries, fallopian tubes, ligaments supporting the uterus, and other
areas in the pelvic cavity. Other possible sites of endometriosis include
the bladder, bowel, and vagina; however, endometriosis can appear in other
places in the body.
In some instances, pelvic scarring and adhesions may occur. These, in turn,
may prevent a woman from being able to become pregnant.
Like the lining of the uterus, areas of endometriosis respond to the
hormones of the menstrual cycle. The endometrial areas build up tissue
each month, then break down and bleed during menstruation. However, when
endometrial growths outside the uterus bleed, they can irritate the body.
why is this a problem?
The build-up of scar tissue is thought to be a cause of chronic pelvic pain
, a symptom which many women with endometriosis experience. In fact,
chronic pelvic pain is associated with endometriosis in 71% to 87% of the
cases. However, the amount of pain a woman may experience is not related to
the extent of her endometriosis. Some women with moderate to severe
endometriosis have no pain, while others with minimal endometriosis
experience severe pain. That is one reason why an accurate diagnosis of the
disease is so difficult.
To date, the exact cause of endometriosis remains unclear, but medical
researchers continue to investigate the disease and hope to find a cure.

Most common side effects with Lupron Depot are generally those related to
hypoestrogenism, including vasomotor flushes, headaches, and vaginal
dryness. A small amount of bone loss (average 3.2%) may also occur during
therapy with Lupron Depot alone, but usually is partially or completely
recovered after you stop taking Lupron Depot.
The most commonly reported side effects of Lupron Depot plus norethindrone
acetate 5 mg daily were hot flashes, headache, nausea/vomiting,
depression/emotional lability, and asthenia. In addition, Lupron Depot plus
norethindrone acetatetreated patients had significantly decreased HDL
levels and significantly increased LDL/HDL ratios. After treatment, mean
serum lipid levels from patients with follow-up data returned to
pretreatment values. Norethindrone acetate should be used with caution in
women with cardiovascular risk factors including lipid abnormalities and
cigarette smoking. Refer to the norethindrone acetate prescribing
information for warnings, precautions, contraindications and adverse
Lupron Depot®3 Month 11.25 mg
Lupron Depot® 3.75 mg
Here are the facts, plain and simple, about Lupron Depot. Be sure to read
myths and facts to help clarify any rumors you might have heard. Then see
 patient stories to see and hear a real-life Lupron Depot patient and her
experience with endometriosis and Lupron Depot.
what you should know about lupron depot.
1. Lupron Depot, a GnRH agonist, is effective for the treatment of
   endometriosis. After completing a maximum of 6 months of therapy, 96% of
   patients reported no painful periods (dysmenorrhea), 66% reported no
   pelvic tenderness, and 53% reported no pelvic pain.
2. Treatment with Lupron Depot lasts. Symptom relief can extend well
   beyond the treatment period for many women. In women who completed the
   12-month follow-up after the end of Lupron Depot therapy, 76% of patients
   previously reporting painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia) were still
   symptom-free. Of women who had pelvic tenderness before using Lupron Depot,
   61% were symptom-free after a year. Over half the women with pelvic pain
   were symptom-free a year after Lupron Depot therapy.
3. Lupron Depot therapy can actually shrink the endometriotic implants
   that have been causing pain in your abdomen. In clinical studies, women
   with pelvic pain underwent diagnostic laparoscopy before and after they
   were treated with Lupron Depot for 6 months. In the women in whom surgeons
   could actually see endometriotic lesions and implants, the surgeons
   observed that a full course of Lupron Depot therapy had substantially
   reduced the size of the endometrial implants.
4. Many women with endometriosis experience pain relief within the first 3
   months of Lupron Depot therapy. In order to determine whether or not Lupron
   Depot is going to work for you, your physician may recommend a trial of
   therapy for 3 months. Many patients can tell within that period of time
   whether or not Lupron Depot will work to control their pelvic pain. If it
   is working for you, your physician may have you complete the entire 6-month
   regimen. Treatment with Lupron Depot for 6 months has shown long-lasting
   symptom relief.
5. Just 6 months of therapy can mean years of pain relief. While a course of GnRH agonist therapy is for 6 months, many women report pain relief for up to 5 years after they have finished therapy. In fact, in one study, 63% of patients with mild disease reported being symptom-free 5 years after the end of GnRH agonist therapy,* and 26% of patients with severe disease reported being symptom-free.
*Drugs used in this study include:
Zoladex® (goserelin acetate implant), a registered trademark of Astra
Zeneca Pharmaceuticals LP.
Synarel® (nafarelin acetate), a registered trademark of Pharmacia
Suprefact® (buserelin acetate), a registered trademark of Aventis
6. If symptoms return, you can take a second 6-month course of Lupron Depot
   If, after completing therapy, your pain returns, your doctor may
   prescribe Lupron Depot plus norethindrone acetate 5 mg daily for an
   additional 6 months. The benefits of add-back therapy can be a decrease in
   the frequency of hot flashes and a significant reduction of bone lossin
   addition to the pain relief that Lupron Depot provides.
7. Lupron Depot is well tolerated. Lupron Depot, like any of the other
   drugs in its class that are used for endometriosis, works by putting your
   body into a temporary state of menopause, so most side effects of Lupron
   Depot therapy are similar to what women experience during menopause. These
   can include hot flashes, headaches, no periods, and vaginal dryness.
These symptoms are a result of a temporary state of menopause and are
generally reversible after the drug is discontinued. Many patients have
established ways of tolerating side effects, most notably hot flashes, in
much the same way women going through the first stages of menopause have
learned to cope with their symptoms. Examples include dressing in layers
If you are concerned about hot flashes tell
your doctor. Your doctor may add norethindrone acetate 5 mg daily to your
Lupron Depot therapy, which can reduce hot flashes while still maintaining
Lupron Depot's efficacy.


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