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Cetrotide and Orgalutran

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Cetrotide and Orgalutran

Origin and action.

Cetrotide and Orgalutran are injectable preparations which work by reducing your body's release of LH (luteinising hormone). Using this medication allows the continued stimulation of follicle growth whilst preventing the risk of premature egg release (ovulation) prior to egg collection. Your doctor may prescribe one of these medications as part of your IVF.

Administration and dosage

Cetrotide or Orgalutran are usually commenced on or after the day of your scan. Your Doctor will make the decision regarding when to start this medication and will advise you of how many days to continue this medication.

Cetrotide and Orgalutran are given daily by subcutaneous injection for approximately 2 - 5 days.

To prepare your injection of Cetrotide you will need to mix the pre-filled syringe of solvent with the vial of powder. Once they have been mixed together, the injection is ready for administration. Cetrotide is given as a subcutaneous injection.

Orgalutran is a premixed solution and should be given as a subcutaneous injection.

Both these medications may be self-administered after a Nurse has shown you (and your partner) the correct method of administration.

Side effects


  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • May cause a skin reaction at the injection site, (ie; Bruising, itching, swelling)


    Store below 25°C. Protect from light


  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • May cause a skin reaction at the injection site, (ie; Bruising, itching, swelling)
  • Abdominal Pain


    Store at room temperature below 30°C. Store in original box, in order to protect from light.


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