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Syringe and Needle Disposal

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Syringe and Needle Disposal

A number of years ago, when syringes were washing up on the beaches of New Jersey, there was considerable concern, almost bordering on mass hysteria, despite the fact that none of the syringes or needles were ever traced back to hospitals or other medical facilities. While this hysteria was mainly the result of media hype combined with political opportunism by our public servants who saw it as a great opportunity to appear to do something important, nonetheless, concern did arise over the proper disposal of medical waste. In response to this, laws were passed regulating the disposal of Medical Waste generated by physicians offices, hospitals, etc. Private individuals were specifically exempted from the law but, nonetheless, federal guidelines were developed to assist individuals (such as diabetics) who need to dispose of the needles and syringes they were using. Many of these regulations apply equally well to women on Pergonal. The following recommendations are, therefore, offered to help you dispose of your used needles and syringes.

  1. Put the used needles, syringes, glass ampoules, etc. in a metal or thick plastic container. Make sure the lid or top of the container is of the screw-on variety and can be easily and well secured with tape.
  2. If you use a plastic container, please make sure that it is opaque, not transparent. The men who collect your trash do not know that you don't have AIDS. If they were to see these needles, they would be quite upset and might refuse to collect your trash. Therefore, do not use clear plastic containers.
  3. After you have filled the container, put on its lid and secure the lid well with heavy tape.
  4. Simply throw the sealed container into your usual trash. DO NOT DISPOSE OF THE CONTAINER IN THE RECYCLABLE TRASH.
  5. Dispose of the needle and syringes as an intact unit. Do not attempt to cut the needle off the Hub. The needle might fly off and hit someone in the eye.



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