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Infertility due to ovulation problems

Infertility due to ovulation problems
Anovulation - "Egg release" disorders


Some women do not properly develop and release a mature egg every month as they should normally. We call this condition anovulation.

Some women never develop and release an egg without medication - we say that these women are anovulatory. These women will have no menstrual periods for several months or years at a time. The medical term for this is amenorrhea. Often, when they do have a period it is quite heavy. In some cases, the woman may even require medical attention because of the degree of blood loss.

Some women ovulate once or twice a year and need medication to stimulate egg development to occur in every menstrual cycle to increase the chance for pregnancy.

Diagnostic testing for ovulation disorders

Usually the doctor can tell from discussing the details regarding previous menstrual cycles whether there is likely to be an ovulation disorder. In addition, blood testing at various times of the menstrual cycle and sometimes an ultrasound study of the ovaries can clarify whether ovulation is occurring.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a very common cause of anovulation and infertility. When it is suspected, additional testing may be indicated.

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