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Womens Symptoms
Menstrual ProblemsDefinition

Menstrual ProblemsDefinition

Absence of flow when normally expected is called Amenorrhea.
Scanty flow is known as Oligomenorrhea.
Painful menstruation is Dysmenorrhea.
Excessive loss of blood is termed Menorrhagia.
Loss of blood during intermenstrual periods (between periods) is known as spotting or Metrorrhagia.
In all the above cases, the gynocologist should make the diagnosis and prescribe treatment, rule out causes, complications, etc.  


In addition to the previously mentioned in the definitions, symptoms may include: depression, cramps, water retention, skin eruptions, headaches, bloated abdomen, backache, cramps, breast swelling and tenderness, insomnia, fatigue, nervousness,  joint pain, fainting spells, and changes in personality (such as outbursts of anger, violence, and thoughts of suicide).

Menstrual pain in young girls is often severe and relatively long-lasting. Especially at the onset of the menstrual period, the pain usually is experienced as severe. Ideally a gynecologist should be seen at the outset of menstrual periods to determine if everything is normal. If normal, the aches and pains can be eased or cured by a cup of chamomile tea, drunk very warm, or with peppermint tea or even caraway tea. These herbs contain essential oils with antispasmodic effects. Rotate the three teas, if preferred. Prepare the tea: pour 8 oz. boiling water over 2 heaping tbsp. of the herb, let steep, covered, for 10 minutes, then strain. Drink 3 cups of tea daily. 


General: Herbal Medicine Formulas and Recipes

Blind nettle
Lady's mantle
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, unsweetened, in mouthful doses.



Rosemary (1 part)
Shave grass (1 part)
Shepherd's purse (2 parts)
Milfoil (2 parts)
Add 1 tbsp. to 1/2 cup cold water. Bring to a boil and steep briefly. Take 1/2 to 1-1/2 cups a day, by medical direction

Goldthread (8 parts)
Tansy (8 parts)
Fragrant valerian root (4 parts)
Rosemary leaves (2 parts)
Rue herb (2 parts)
Boil 1-1/2 tsp. mixture slowly in 2 cups of water, covered, for 2 to 3 minutes. Let stand for 10 minutes and strain. Take 1 cup morning and night. Sweeten if desired.

St. Johns Wort
European mistletoe
Mix in equal parts. Parboil 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup of water, then steep covered for 5 minutes. Take warm in mouthful doses.

Mexican damiana leaves (4 parts)
Quaking aspen bark (3 parts)
Birthroot (3 parts)
Cramp bark (3 parts)
Cassia bark (3 parts)
Squaw vine (2 parts)
Blazing star root (2 parts)
Boil 1 tsp. mixture in 2 cups water for 2 to 3 minutes; let stand for 10 minutes and strain. Take 1 cup morning and evening. Sweeten if desired.



 Chinese Formulas

This formula is used for regulating stagnant chi
Poria cocos (7 parts)
Bupleurum root (4 parts)
Atractylodes (4 parts)
Chaste berries (4 parts)
Dong quai (4 parts)
Peony root (3 parts)
Cyperus rhizome (3 parts)
Black haw bark (3 parts)
Wild yam (3 parts)
Magnolia bark (3 parts)
Ginger (3 parts)
Licorice root (3 parts)
Green bitter orange peel (2 parts)
Ligusticum wallichii (2 parts)
Mint leaves (2 parts)
Gastrodia (1 part)
This is used for mood regulation,  depression, stagnant liver chi, nervousness, uneasiness, chest pains, digestive upset, abdominal distention, belching, gas, nausea, candida, constipation, and many menstrual problems including premenstrual syndrome, irregular periods, and breast distention. It also helps hypertension and hysteria.

Ayurvedic Formulas


(Guggula) clear channels, circulate chi and blood
Guggula is made from the resin of Balsaodendron Mukul; Sanskrit, guggullu, English, salai tree, gum gugal or Indian bedellium. Closely related to Myrrh. When fresh, it is moist, viscid and fragrant, with a golden color, it melts in the sun and emulsifies in hot water. Helps alleviate an accumulation of cholesterol, thickened mucus and other materials in the aging process. Helps circulatory problems, including arteriosclerosis,arthritis,rheumatism, heart problems, high blood pressure, obesity, and enlargement of the prostate. Combined with Triphala, taken in the morning and evening, counteracts obesity, blood disorders, constipation, skin problems, chronic venereal disease, ascites and sores that are difficult to heal. Yogaraj guggula is used in many disorders: sciatica, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, amenorrhea, obesity, painful menses of arrested menstruation, hemorrhoids, worms, fistula and impotence. It is a rejuvenator and blood purifier, promoting normal circulation, allays pain. Dosage: about 250 to 500 mg. taken twice daily.

Dysmenorrhea: Chinese Formulas

Gynecology (tonify blood and yin, regulate chi)
Dong quai (chief herb)
Lovage (chief herb)
False unicorn (chief herb)
Rehmannia, cooked (chief herb)
Cramp bark (assisting)
Paeonia alba (assisting and conducting)
Atractylodes (assisting)
Blue cohosh (assisting)
Moutan (supporting)
Poria (supporting)
Ginger (conducting)
A blood tonic for women, moves blood, regulates the menstrual cycle for deficient blood, and increases estrogen. Warm in nature and is good for all menstrual disorders: amenorrhea, menorrhagia, and dysmenorrhea. Specifically it is a tonifying pre-ovulation formula (formula with chaste tree berries should be used for post-ovulation. Herbal program should be followed for 3 months for lasting results. Dosage: as a tonic, take 2 tablets 3 times per day. For acute conditions, take 2 tablets every 2 hours with warm water. This formula generally is not recommended for pregnant women

 Ayurvedic Formulas
 GYNECOLOGY Tonify blood and yin, regulate chi (pre-ovulation)
Dong quai (chief herb)
Lovage (chief herb)
False unicorn (chief herb)
Rehmannia, cooked (chief herb)
Crampbark (assisting)
Paeonia alba (assisting and conducting)
Atractylodes (assisting)
Blue cohosh (assisting)
Moutan (supporting)
Poria (supporting)
Ginger (conducting)
A blood tonic for women, this formula moves blood, regulates the menstrual cycle for deficient blood, and increases estrogen. It has a warm nature and is good for all menstrual disorders: amenorrhea, mennorhagia, and dysmenorrhea.  Specifically it is a tonifying pre-ovulation formula, take after menstruation and before ovulation, while the formula with chaste tree berries should be used for post-ovulation. Dosage: As a tonic, take 2 tablets 3 times daily. For acute conditions, take 2 tablets every 2 hours with warm water. This formula generally is not recommended for pregnant women.




Calcium with magnesium chloride, 1,500 mg. per day, relieves cramping, backache, and nervousness. Primrose oil, 2 capsules 3 times per day. Vitamin B complex, 50 mg. 3 times per day, reduces water retention. Vitamin E, 400 IU at first, increase to 800 IU, helps relieve sore breasts, and improves oxygen utilization. Kelp, 4 tablets per day, is a good mineral source. L-Lysine, 500 mg. daily, start 5 days before menstrual period for those who suffer from hypoglycemia and/or herpes. L-Tyrosine, 500 mg. daily, is needed to reduce anxiety, depression and headache. Multivitamin and mineral complex with manganese, taken as directed on the label. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids, 3,000 mg. daily in divided doses, helps in the relief of discomfort and breast swelling, and boosts the immune system. Vitamin D, taken as directed on the label, is needed for uptake of calcium and magnesium. 


The following herbs are taken in teas for difficult menstruation.

    • Balm, lemon
    • Black Haw
    • Blessed thistle
    • Calendula
    • Camomile, German
    • Catnip
    • Celery
    • Cohosh, blue
    • Dittany
    • Dong quai
    • Marjoram, wild
    • Oak
    • Pasque flower
    • Pennyroyal
    • Raspberry, red
    • Rosemary
    • St. John's wort
    • Strawberry, wild
    • Valerian
    • Willow, white
    • Yam, wild
    • Yarrow

The following herbs are taken in teas for excessive menstruation. (to decrease flow)

    • Alum, wild root
    • Bayberry bark
    • Birthroot
    • Bistort root
    • Burnet, great
    • Burnet saxifrage
    • Ceyenne pepper
    • Comfrey
    • Goldenseal
    • Lungwort
    • Nutmeg
    • Pilewort
    • Plantain
    • Sanicle, American
    • Shepherd's purse
    • Smartweed
    • Sorrel
    • Strawberry, wild
    • Yarrow

The following herbs are taken in teas for tardy menstruation.

    • Birthroot
    • Blessed thistle
    • Cohosh, black
    • Cramp bark
    • Dong quai
    • Ginger, wild
    • Lady's mantle
    • Lovage
    • Marjoram, sweet
    • Nettle
    • Parsley
    • Pennyroyal
    • Peppermint
    • Ragwort, European
    • Raspberry leaves
    • Rosemary
    • Skullcap
    • Sumac
    • Tarragon
    • Watercress


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