Helpful Information


First and Indepth tests
Diseases and Infections
Donor Egg and Sperm
Frequency of Sex
Frequently Asked Questions
Fertility and Lifestyle
From Egg to Baby
Helping Yourself in Infertility
Hormonal Ups and Downs
Infertility Drugs
Male Infertility
Menstrual and Ovulatory Issues
Pregnancy, Childbirth Miscarraige and Conceiving
Reproductive System
Unexplained Infertility
Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs
Womens Symptoms
Feel as great as you look

Feel as great as you look.

Throughout your life
, your body goes through amazing changes. Hormonal shifts, pregnancy, mood swings, loss in bone density and weight fluctuations, to name a few. Add to this your familys needs and your career, and whats left is little time to take care of yourself.

Herbalife can help. Weve combined the precise blends of herbs, botanicals and vitamins that you need for stress management, urinary tract health, hot flashes, disrupted sleep patterns, a healthy heart and to minimize PMS. The result? You'


Tang Kuei Plus


lSuperior nutritional tonic especially for women.
Tang Kuei has been used for centuries in China as a general nutritional tonic, particularly beneficial for women. In the Chinese system, Tang Kuei is considered a superior herb and is often added to soups and broths to increase their nutritional value.

  • Specially formulated to normalize the challenges associated with a womans cycle.
  • Includes the additional benefit of Chamomile. This multipurpose plant was used by the Ancient Greeks and was considered a sacred herb by the early Anglo-Saxons.

l feel as great as you'll look.

Triple Berry Complex


Dietary support for urinary health.
This exciting product combines the goodness of whole cranberries with nutrient-rich blueberries and the herb bilberry to help support urinary-tract health.

  • Formulated from whole cranberries, which are high in vitamin C, dietary fiber and other health-promoting nutrients.
  • Includes blueberries, which are loaded with folic acid, vitamins A and C, and dietary fiber.
  • Contains bilberry, an herb with many beneficial properties, especially for the eyes.*

Woman's Choice


Dietary supplement for women.
As women approach age 35 and beyond, they experience a variety of symptoms, some of which are related to declining estrogen levels. This normal occurrence often causes discomfort, including sleep disturbance. Many studies suggest that isoflavones may help women meet nutritional needs during this time of life. Isoflavones have a chemical structure similar to the bodys natural estrogen, which may account for these effects.

  • Contains antioxidants that assist the bodys defense against the effects of free radicals.
  • Contains a special blend of isoflavones from Red Clover, Soy and Kudzu, along with the phytoestrogen source Black Cohosh, all of which may promote hormone balance.*



One of the most concentrated forms of Calcium available in a tablet.
Regular use of calcium can help promote healthy bones. Xtra-Cal is formulated with several vitamins and nutrients to enhance your skeletal health.*

  • Three tablets supply 100 percent of the US RDA for Calcium intake for men and women over 40.
  • Contains Vitamin D to aid in Calcium absorption.
  • Includes Magnesium to help support healthy bones, heart and arteries.
  • Formulated with Horsetail, an herb containing silicon, a trace mineral recognized as essential for proper bone development

Woman's Advantage with DHEA

Helps enhance sensuality and youthful vitality.
Contains a proprietary blend of select herbs and natural hormone precursors. The result is a superior-quality dietary supplement that helps revitalize and rejuvenate while helping to elevate sensuality and improve intimacy.

  • Contains L-Arginine, a molecule believed to help release growth hormone from the pituitary gland.
  • Includes Damiana, a popular Southwestern herb; Tribulus Terrestris, a hormone precursor thought to increase estrogen and testosterone production; DHEA, a natural hormone precursor that helps normalize the key female hormones.*

Nature's Balance Cream


Womens formula with wild yam extract and other herbs.
By around age 40, many women are entering perimenopause. Because of decreasing hormone levels, women may experience hot flashes, mood swings, sleep disturbance and changes in sexual interests. Natures Balance Cream provides a homeopathic alternative.

  • Contains specially selected whole wild yam root, a homeopathic ingredient that helps normalize the estrogen-progesterone ratios in women.
  • Includes Progesterone USP, a naturally derived progesterone that can help women feel a sense of balance all month long.
  • Rich in black cohosh, a Native American herb that has been useful in promoting a healthy balance in hormonal levels.


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