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What is Embryo Glue

What is "EMBRYO GLUE"?
These services provided by West Coast Infertility Medical Clinic, Inc.
It refers to implanting the embryo into the lining of the womb (uterus).
Does the "GLUE" harm the embryo?
NO.  It has already been extensively tested.
What is the advantage of the "EMBRYO GLUE"?
It will guarantee that the embryo will NOT fall out of the uterus, AND that it
will not fall into the fallopian tube causing tubal pregnancy.  It will eliminate
tubal pregnancies from the IVF procedures.   Post embryo implantation, the woman
does NOT need to stay in bed for 2 days.
What is the disadvantage(s) of this procedure?
Possible scratching of the lining of the uterus so that pregnancy may not ensue.
Who is a candidate for this procedure?
Any patient undergoing IVF.
How is it done?
It is done in an office setting using a special fiberoptic scope and camera plus a
special tubing with a needlepoint, and it takes approximately two minutes to perform.


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