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Endometrial receptivity biomarkers may improve infertility diagnosis

Endometrial receptivity biomarkers may improve infertility diagnosis,

Understanding the function of biomarkers of endometrial receptivity will help
diagnose and treat infertile couples more efficiently, researchers report.

According to recent research from Brazil, "Implantation is a phenomenon that
involves an interaction between the embryo and maternal endometrium".
"There is, in the menstrual cycle, a short and precise period of time in
which the maternal-embryonic interaction is optimal and culminates with
adhesion and invasion of the blastocyst into the progesterone-induced
secretory endometrium. This period is called nidation or implantation window,
" wrote M. Cavagna and colleagues, Santo Amaro University.
"In the implantation window, changes occur in endometrial epithelial
morphology, characterized by the appearance of membrane projections called
pinopodes. Pinopodes are progesterone-dependent organelles that took like
apical cellular protrusions appearing between days 20 and 21 of the natural
menstrual cycle," the researches wrote.
"There are many factors that regulate the changes typical of the implantation
window and the appearance of the pinopodes. The embryonic and maternal
expression of growth factors and cytokines, calcitonin, HOX genes and cell
adhesion molecules might all play a major role in the phenomenon of
implantation. The cytokines function as chemical messengers and can serve as
biomarkers of uterine receptivity," the researchers stated.
The researchers concluded: "Understanding the function of these biomarkers
and their role in determining the implantation window in women, will help us
to diagnose and treat infertile couples more efficiently.

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