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Womens Symptoms
Symptoms of endometriosis

Symptoms of endometriosis
The symptoms of endometriosis vary greatly from woman to woman, but may include one or more
of the following:
Pain with menstruation (more than mild cramps)
Pain with ovulation
Painful sexual intercourse, especially with deep penetration
Sharp pains during and after orgasm
Painful bowel movements
Rectal pain 
Rectal bleeding
Painful urination 
Bladder pain
Blood in urine
Back pain before and during menstruation
Leg pain before and during menstruation
Abdominal swelling and bloating
Nausea and vomiting, especially when associated with the menstrual cycle
Cycles of constipation and diarrhea
Heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding
Shoulder pain during menstruation 
Coughing up blood during menstruation (rare)
Shortness of breath during menstruation (rare)
Bleeding from other areas during menstruation (such as eye, skin, etc.) (rare)
Endometriosis symptoms are often worse before and during menstruation. However, many women
with endometriosis experience pain at other times also, especially at ovulation (the mid-
point of her cycle). Some women experience endometriosis pain that is not related to their
menstrual cycle.
Additionally, some women with endometriosis don't have any symptoms and may not know they
have endometriosis until a problem, such as infertility, is discovered. The extent of
endometriosis has no correlation to the amount of pain a woman will experience.
(Note: Some of these symptoms may indicate other conditions. Unusual bleeding and shortness
of breath should always be reported to a doctor immediately.)

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