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I have questions about pregnancy indicators while waiting to take the pregnancy test.

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I have questions about pregnancy indicators while waiting to take the pregnancy test.


6.1 My progesterone was very high. Does this mean I am pregnant?

It does not mean you are pregnant. It doesn't even absolutely guarantee a good lining. Nevertheless, it is a good indicator. If you have good progesterone levels, that means that anything that is trying to implant will have a better chance of finding a hospitable place.

6.2 I have spotted, and it is not time for my period. Was it implantation spotting?

Implantation spotting is the exception rather than the rule. Sometimes the procedures themselves can irritate the cervix and cause light brown spotting afterwards. Sometimes when the uterus shifts from being estrogen to progesterone dominant you will get a little bit of spotting. Light spotting can be normal, but contact your physician with any concerns.

6.3 My breasts are tender, or I have cramps, or am irritable, nauseated, or bloated, or, I am gaining a small amount of weight. It is not yet time for my pregnancy test. Could these be signs of pregnancy?

You are probably feeling the effects of the hormones you are taking. It's really too early to be feeling anything as a result of a pregnancy. Implantation normally takes place about 5-10 dpo, but even after that it takes a couple of days for the hCG (which is what causes pregnancy symptoms) to build up in the blood stream. The presence of these symptoms does not indicate pregnancy, and the absence of them does not indicate a failed cycle.


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