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Hormone Levels for the Body

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Normal Values   

The normal range is 3 to 15 mg/24 hr

Note: mg/24 hr = milligrams per 24-hours


17-OH progesterone

Normal Values   

male: 3 to 32 ng/dL

  • day 1 to 14 of menstrual cycle: 15 to 70 ng/dL
  • day 15 to end of menstrual cycle: 35 to 290 ng/dL



Normal Values   

Normal values are as follows:

  • male: 4 to 14 mg/24 hr
  • female: 2 to 12 mg/24 hr

Note: mg/24 hr = milligrams per 24 hours


Normal Values    Normal values are as follows:

  • male: 8 to 20 mg/24 hr
  • female: 6 to 12 mg/24 hr

Note: mg/24 hr = milligrams per 24-hours


24 hours urinary aldosterone excretion rate

Normal Values   

Normal values range from 6 to 25 mcg/24 hours. (This depends on the amount of sodium excreted by the body. The greater the amount of sodium, the lower the level of aldosterone.)

Note: mcg/24 hr = micrograms per 24 hours


25-hydroxy vitamin D

Normal Values   

The normal range is 16.0 to 74.0 ng/ml.

Note: ng/ml = nanograms per milliliter



Normal Values   

Values 9 to 52 pg/ml are normal.

Note: pg/ml = picograms per milliliter



ACTH (Cortrosyn) stimulation test

Normal Values   

An increase in cortisol after stimulation by ACTH is normal. Post stimulation blood cortisol should be greater than 20 mcg/dl.

Note: mcg/dl = micrograms per deciliter



Dexamethasone suppression test

Normal Values   

Low Dose:

Overnight: 8 a.m. plasma cortisol< 5 mcg/dl

Standard: Urinary free cortisol on day 3 < 10 mcg/day

High Dose:

Overnight: > 50 % reduction in plasma cortisol

Standard: > 90% reduction in urinary free cortisol.



Normal Values   

Values of 0 to 4.7 pg/mL are normal.

Note: pg/ml = picograms per milliliter



Normal Values   

supine: 2 to 16 ng/dl
upright: 5 to 41 ng/dl

Note: ng/dl = nanograms per deciliter



Normal Values   

less than 70 pg/ml

Note: pg/ml = picograms per milliliter


Catecholamines blood

Catecholamines blood


Catecholamines urine

Normal Values   

  • VMA: 2 to 7 mg/24-hours
  • epinephrine: 0.5 to 20 mcg/24-hours
  • norepinephrine: 15 to 80 mcg/24-hours
  • dopamine: 65 to 400 mcg/24-hours
  • metanephrine: 24 to 96 mcg/24-hours (some laboratories give the range as 140 to 785 mcg/24-hours)
  • normetanephrine: 75 to 375 mcg/24-hours
  • total urine catecholamines: 14 to 110 mcg/24-hours

Note: mg/hour = milligrams per hour; mcg/hour = micrograms per hour


Cortisol level

Normal Values   

8 A.M.: 6 to 23 mcg/dl

Note: mcg/dl = micrograms per deciliter


Cortisol - urine

Normal Values   

The normal range is 10 to 100 mcg/24 h.

Note: mcg/24 h = micrograms per 24-hours







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