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Ranges of Normal Estrogen Levels

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 Ranges of Normal Estrogen Levels

Are you concerned with Estrogen & Level Ranges?

Ranges of normal estrogen levels are measured pg/ml of estradiol and actual levels depend on the particular laboratory and units it's reported in.

In menopause, the general range may be 10-20 pg/ml or 40-70 pmol/L, depending on the testing method.

In normal reproductive age women during the menstrual cycle, estradiol levels range from 50-400 pg/ml.

Value ranges of normal estrogen levels under 100 pg/ml can be associated with hot flashes, and you might need more estrogen.

Types of estrogen levels. All estrogen hormones (estrone, estradiol and estriol) occupy the same estrogen receptor sites. Estradiol is the most potent and is converted to the weaker estrone, and then to estriol when levels of progesterone raise. This family of types of estrogen works in concert with progesterone to nourish and support the growth and regeneration of the female reproductive tissues, breasts and distribution of body fat.

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