areca catechu

action dentrifice, intoxicant, stimulant, vermifuge

common name areca nut, betel nut, pinang

contains allylpyrocathechol, arecoline

family arecaceae

indigenous use santal

range africa, borneo, egypt, india, java, malaya, malaysia, solomon islands, turkey

use masticatory

used to treat cholera, colic, colitis, diarrhea, dysentery, fatigue, fever, gastrosis, gonorrhea, hematuria, herpes, hysteria, malaria, odontosis, ophthalmia, rhagades, rhinosis, scabies, smallpox, stomach ache, tapeworm

The nut from this variety of a palm tree is the more popular worldwide than alcohol or tobacco. The nut, which is large and similar to nutmeg, is wrapped in the leaf of the betel pepper (Piper chavica betel) and sprinkled with burnt lime, catechu gum from the Malayan acacia tree (Acacia catechu) and nutmeg, cardamom or other species. This is placed in the mouth and sucked on for several hours. arecoline, a central nervous system stimulant, is released from the nut by the action of saliva and lime. It increases respiration and decreases the work load of the heart. Betel leaf has mild stimulating properties. Frequent use stains mouth, gums, and teeth deep red. Long-term overuse of betel nut is said to weaken sexual potency.