sanguinaria canadensis

action adjuvant, alterative, analgesic, anthelmintic, anticonvulsive, antidiarrheal, antiemetic, antihemorrhagic, aphrodisiac, blood cleanser, carminative, diuretic, emetic, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, hemostat, laxative, narcotic, panacea, sedative, stimulant, tonic

common name blood root, bloodroot, indian paint, indian plant, indian red paint, pauson, red paint root, red puccoon, red root, sanguinaria, tetterwort

family papaveraceae

indigenous use appalachian, cherokee, chippewa, delaware, fox, iroquois, menominee, micmac, mohegan, ojibwa, penobscot, ponca, potawatomi

native habitat rich soil

range apostle islands national lakeshore, big south fork n. river & rec. area, big thicket n. preserve, blue ridge parkway, booker t. washington national monument, canada, catoctin mountain park, chattahoochee river, chesapeake and ohio canal, colonial national historic park, cumberland gap national historic park, cuyahoga valley national recreation area, effigy mounds national monument, fort donelson national battlefield, friendship hill national historic site, george washington memorial parkway, gettysburg national military park, grand portage national monument, great smoky mountains national park, harpers ferry national historic park, hopewell furnace national historic site, indiana dunes national lakeshore, isle royale national park, kennesaw mountain, kings mountain national military park, lincoln boyhood national memorial, mammoth cave national park, manassas national battlefield, obed wild & scenic river, ocmulgee national monument, ozark ns riverways, pictured rocks national lakeshore, rock creek park, roosevelt vanderbilt nat. hist. site, saint croix national scenic river, saint-gaudens national historic site, saratoga national historic park, shenandoah national park, shiloh national military park, sleeping bear dunes national lakeshore, turkey, us, voyageurs national park, wilson's creek national battlefield

use cosmetic, divination, medicine, poison

used to treat anemia, burns, cancer, children's ailments, chronic bronchitis, common cold, cough, croup, eczema, eye ailments, fever, gastro-intestinal disturbances, heart ailments, hemorrhoids, kidney ailments, liver ailments, nose ailments, pain, pneumonia, polyps (nose), pulmonary ailments, respiratory ailments, rheumatism, ringworm, skin ailments, skin fungus, sore (throat), sores, throat ailments, tineas, tuberculosis, venereal ailments, whooping cough, women's ailments

Has strong, quick-acting properties and is one of the best remedies for chronic bronchitis and pneumonia. Heavy doses act quickly to quell whooping cough and croup. Has been used as a tincture to clear up ringworm. Bloodroot is used in very small doses, primarily as an expectorant. It can be used externally for sores, eczema, and other skin problems. Large doses are sedative, and an overdose can be fatal. It stains the skin brick red.