hordeum vulgare

action emollient, intoxicant, mucilaginous

body bladder, chest

common name barley, common barley, heller's rosette grass, pearl barley, scotch barley

contains vitamin F

family poaceae

indigenous use italian

range acadia national park, catoctin mountain park, channel island national park, egypt, hawaii volcanoes national park, hot springs national park, india, indiana dunes national lakeshore, iraq, kurdistan, nepal, pinnacles national monument, point reyes national seashore, redwood national park, richmond national battlefield park, rock creek park, santa monica mounatins nat. rec. area, spain, turkey, wales

used to treat bronchitis, cancer, catarrh, cough, debility, diarrhea, fever, intestinal irritation, sores, stomach ailments, throat ailments, tumors

When hulled barley is cooked, a mucilaginous substance is obtained which makes a good source of nutrition for those with throat or stomach ailments. Mixing barley water with milk makes a soothing preparation for stomach and intestinal irritation. An external application is used for sores and tumors.