diospyros virginiana

action astringent, intoxicant, styptic

body kidney, lip, mouth, uterus

common name common persimmon, date plum, persimmon, plaqueminer, possumwood, seeded plum, winter plum

contains phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C

family ebenaceae

indigenous use appalachian, cherokee, rappahannock

range assateague island national seashore, big south fork n. river & rec. area, big thicket n. preserve, blue ridge parkway, cape cod national seashore, cape lookout national seashore, catoctin mountain park, chattahoochee river, chesapeake and ohio canal, chickamauga & chattanooga, colonial national historic park, congaree swamp national monument, cumberland gap national historic park, cumberland island national seashore, fort caroline national memorial, fort donelson national battlefield, george washington memorial parkway, gettysburg national military park, great smoky mountains national park, greenbelt park, harpers ferry national historic park, horseshoe bend national military park, hot springs national park, jean lafitte national historic park, kennesaw mountain, lake meredith national park, lincoln boyhood national memorial, mammoth cave national park, moores creek national battlefield, obed wild & scenic river, ocmulgee national monument, ozark ns riverways, prince william forest park, richmond national battlefield park, shenandoah national park, shiloh national military park, us, wilson's creek national battlefield

use gargle, liqueur

used to treat cancer, diarrhea, dysentery, gastro-intestinal disturbances, hemorrhage, hemorrhoids, liver ailments, metrorrhagia, mouth ailments, skin ailments, sore, stomatitis, throat ailments, toothache, uterine hemorrhage, venereal ailments

An infusion of the green fruit is used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and uterine hemorrhages.