rubus idaeus

action analgesic, antidiarrheal, antihemorrhagic, antirheumatic, astringent, blood cleanser, cathartic, emetic, hypotensive, stimulant, sudorific, tonic, urogenital

common name common red raspberry, raspberry

contains B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C

family rosaceae

indigenous use cherokee, chippewa, flathead, fox, iroquois, menominee, ojibwa, omaha, potawatomi

range acadia national park, bighorn canyon national recreation area, black canyon of the gunnison, bryce canyon national park, cape cod national seashore, cedar breaks national monument, cosmopolitan, coulee dam nat. rec. area, effigy mounds national monument, europe, france, frederick law olmsted national historic, gettysburg national military park, glacier bay national park, great smoky mountains national park, haiti, indiana dunes national lakeshore, isle royale national park, morristown national historic park, mount rainier national park, pictured rocks national lakeshore, saint croix national scenic river, sleeping bear dunes national lakeshore, spain, turkey, us, yellowstone national park

use liqueur, tea

used to treat bilious, cancer, children's ailments, common cold, cough, diabetes, diarrhea, eye ailments, fever, gastritis, gastro-intestinal disturbances, gout, kidney ailments, liver ailments, morning sickness, mouth sores, paralysis, pyorrhea, rheumatism, scurvy, skin ailments, sore (throat), toothache, ulcers, urinary ailments, venereal ailments, women's ailments, wounds
range great smoky mountains national park

Can be used as a mouthwash, and to clean wounds. Especially good for strengthening the uterus. Taken by pregnant women to ease childbirth, prevents premature labor and miscarriage and increases milk flow. The leaf contains vitamin B1.