Higgs Toll-Free Services

Bill Pay
3222 W. Jefferson Blvd., Suite #1
Los Angeles, CA 90018
Tel: 888-559-8835
Fax: 888-542-1994
Site Updated 02/15/10


866, 877, 888, True 800, and
VANITY Toll-Free Numbers
By the year 2010 most corporate businesses, small businesses, home based businesses, door to door sales people and even private homes will go TOLL-FREE. Get ahead of your competition today by taking advantage of this limited time offer. You will need either a credit or debit card to start up your account. Our online billing and payment services are operated by the safe and secure PayPal.
With a 5 DAY FREE TRIAL and the industry's astoundingly lowest rates, you too can have your very own toll-free number up and running in a matter of minutes. Your number will be immediately activated and forward-able to any telephone line, locally and / or internationally.  You can even forward your toll-free number to your cell phone line if / and whenever you like. Your toll-free number goes wherever you go, anywhere in the world, therefore,  you will never miss another call, unless you so choose to.
Your toll-free number comes equipped with extensions to support your other departments, whether they be local or international, business or personal.  Your toll-free number will also act as a Virtual PBX, meaning, if this is for a business, your customers might hear press "1" to request a catalog, press "2" to place an order, press "3" for customer support, or press "0" for the operator, and so on. If for personal use your family members and friends might be directed to press "1" for Marsha, "2" for Chevette, "3" for Bjorn, "4" for Jo and so forth. You can choose any one, two, or three digits you like for your extensions. Well this is a great deal, but the very best part is that, if you do not like our service, you do not have to keep it. Just call us to cancel the service during the 5-Day FREE TRIAL period and you will NEVER be charged a dime. It's that simple!
Each PLAN Will Include:
* FREE 5 Day Service Trial
* FREE Initial Monthly Minutes
* FREE Virtual PBX Extensions
* FREE Voice Mail
* FREE Call Forwarding
* FREE Call Waiting
* FREE Call Screening
* FREE Do Not Disturb
* And Much More
STARTER: $39.99 - Includes 100 FREE minutes - 5 ext
STANDARD: $69.99 - Includes 500 FREE minutes - 10 ext
STEADY: $99.99 - Includes 1000 FREE minutes - 20 ext
SUPER: $139.99 - Includes 2500 FREE minutes - 100 ext
* A $10.00 service charge will be added to monthly payments

866, 877, 888 Numbers - no set-up fee
TRUE 800 Numbers - $15 one time set-up fee
VANITY Numbers: - $30 one time set-up fee

PRICING starts at
$39.99 to $139.99
An additional 
$10 Service Fee is
required at Bill Pay.
Thank You!
To order Toll-Free services, fill in and submit the form
below, or click on "RING ME" to speak with an Agent.
Thank You!

click-to-call from the web

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