USS Highlander NCC 11895

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Aiz, Lt. Dvorak: Trill Chief Science Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 - ??) First encountered when CMO, Commander Inez James and Aiz were captured by the Saesneg, after a successful symbiont transplant on the Trill Homeworld. ( Ep 3 - The Rescue )

Andrews, Ensign Victoria: Former Security Officer - USS Highlander. (2377 - 77)

Benelek, Lt.: Romulan Intelligence Officer - USS Highlander. (2376 - ??) Benelek is a graduate of Starfleet Academy.

Cameron, Lt.Jg Emma (NPC): Security Officer - USS Highlander. (2376 - ??).

Carey, Admiral Hannah: Head of Starfleet Operations, Earth. Hannah and her sister are personal friends of Commander Inez James.

Clark, Lt.Jg. Mason: Former Fleet Liaison Officer - USS Highlander. (2376 - 2376). Inflicted with a deadly disease, Clark was transferred to Starfleet Medical on Earth to recover.

Cloutier, Ensign Scott: Engineering Officer - USS Highlander. (2377 - ??).

Cross, Ensign William: Former Medical Officer - USS Highlander. (2376 - 2376). Inflicted with a deadly disease, Cross was transferred to Starfleet Medical on Earth to recover.

Crusher, Commander Adrian: First Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 - ??). Crusher was a former aide to Admiral Ross and has a romantic link to Commander Shelby. Related to Doctor Beverly Crusher and her son, Wesley.

Cymraeg: The Cymraeg are a warp capable civilisation, who have been warring with their nearest neighbour the Saesneg for over the last thousand years. ( Ep 3 - The Rescue.)

Deep Space Nine: Starfleet Facility and former Cardassian mining station commanded by Captain Benjamin Sisko. DS9 became the hottest piece of real estate during the Dominion War, due to it's proximity to the Wormhole. The USS Highlander docked here before joining the Fleet to retake Betazed. ( Ep 1 - Battle of Betazed ).

Defiant USS: First Defiant Class Vessel. Create at Utopia Plantia to battle the Borg, this starship was attached to Deep Space Nine til it was destroyed during the Dominion War.

Dixon, Lt.Jg. Clint:
Fleet Liaison Officer - USS Highlander. (2377 -??)

Dragonheart USS: Steamrunner Class Starship, commanded by Commander Julius McDermott. The Dragonheart is part of Janus Fleet.

Draig: Planet in the Alpha Quadrant, supporting a level 2 civilisation. In 2376, the USS Highlander crash landed on the planet after taking heavy damage in their battle with the Dominion. Whilst the repairing the ship, Away teams from the Highlander discovered Knights, peasants, Kings and Brigands and even a family of dragons. ( Ep 7 - Realm of the Dragon )

Droids, Holographic: An unknown organisation inside the Federation has been constructing droids and infiltrating them into the Saesneg populous. These droids are undetectable as they have the ability to take on the appearance of any culture they come in contact with. ( Ep 3 - The Rescue / Ep 4 - The Droid Expanse )




Hayes, Lt. Mark: Assistant Chief Security / Tactical Officer - USS Highlander. (2376 -??) . Hayes is a former borg drone and has experienced difficulties settling into Starfleet once again. In 2377, Hayes suffered major complications with some of his borg parts and under went extensive surgery at Starfleet Medical.

Hayes, Captain Theodore:
Commanding Officer - USS Tokyo. Brother of Lt Mark Hayes, Theodore was killed when the Tokyo was destroyed defending Earth from the Dominion Forces.

Highlander USS - NCC 11895 :
Defiant Class Starship, commanded by Captain Connare James. The Highlander is the Flagship of Janus Fleet.

Hiland, Lt.Jg. Shayell: Betaziod Diplomatic Officer - USS Highlander. (2376 -??)

Hok, Lt. Commander K'Targ: Former Chief Holographic Engineering Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 -2376)


James, Captain Connare : Commanding Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 -??) Promoted to Commanding Officer of Janus Fleet.

James, Commander Inez : Betaziod Chief Medical Officer and Second Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 -??) . Married to Captain Connare James, the Highlander's Commanding Officer. Promoted to Second Officer of Janus Fleet and Janus Fleet Medical.

James, Commander Sidney : Former Chief Engineering Officer of the USS Highlander. (2375 -2377) Promoted to Commander and offered Senior Lecturing Position of Engineering at Starfleet Academy.

Janeway, Lt.Jg. Solari : Former Assistant Chief Engineering Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 -2375)

Janus Fleet: Formed in 2377, Janus Fleet was established to protect and explore the Serenna Sector of space. Commanded by Captain Connare James, Janus Fleet commenced operation with seven ships. Headquarters for Janus Fleet is Starbase Janus.

Jev De'Hal, Lt.Jg. : Former Tactical Officer - USS Highlander. (2377 - 77)

Jones, Ensign Dale (NPC): Bolian Engineering Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 - ??)

Kaldra, Draylon: Bolian Owner of the Sword of St. George, the old English Tavern on Starbase Janus.

Kerell, Ensign Eilan: Former Bajoran Tactical Officer - USS Highlander. (2376 -2376)

Kirk, Cadet. Jake Thomas: Second Year Cadet Shuttle Pilot - USS Highlander. (2376 -??)

Laiz, Lt. Commander Daemon : Chief Security / Tactical Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 -??) Promoted to Chief after Former Chief Xxeron was found murdered.

Lamarr, Captain Hedy: Commanding Officer of the USS Moerae.

Lang, Lt. Jasad: Cardassian Chief Engineering Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 -??) Promoted to Chief after Former Chief Sidney James was transferred to Starfleet Academy. Lang was one of the first Cardassians to join Starfleet.

Larkin, Captain Christopher 'Hawk': Commanding Officer of the USS Righteous, and Executive Officer of Janus Fleet.

Llewellan 11, Dr Sian : Renown Scientific Legend Dr Sian Llewellan II, is responsible for the H.A.I.P.S The System works similar to EMH systems, but with more refinements.

M'Rel, Lt. Sereyda : Former Klingon female Chief of Security / Tactical - USS Highlander. (2375-2375). M'Rel was badly injured during the Highlanders' first conflict. Transferred to the Klingon Homeworld to recover.

Mace, Lt. Jim : Chief of Operations. (Former Chief of Operations - USS Highlander. (2376-2376)). Mace was a former NASA Shuttle Pilot, who was found in a state of deep sleep, 400 years after his Shuttle was launched. After his stint on the Highlander, Mace transferred to Starfleet Operations on Earth. Lt. Mace returned in 2377 to the Highlander as Chief of Operations.

Mardock, Lt. Commander: Changeling Former Chief of Operations - USS Highlander. (2375-2376). Mardock returned to the Great Link after the Dominion War ended.

McDermott, Commander Julius : Commanding Officer of the USS Dragonheart.

McFarland, Ensign James : Former Security Officer - USS Highlander. (2375-2376)

McKnight, Lt.Jg. John: Former Intel / Strategic / Shuttle Officer - USS Highlander. (2376 - 2376).

McNeill, Ensign Leonard: Former Assistant Chief Science Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 - 2376). Inflicted with a deadly disease, McNeill, like Cross and Clark was transferred to Starfleet Medical on Earth to recover.

Moerae USS: Intrepid Class Starship, commanded by Captain Hedy Lamarr. The Moerae is part of Janus Fleet.


O'Brien, CPO Miles: Chief of Operations - Deep Space Nine. Assisted Lt. Commander Sidney James with repairs to the USS Highlander after it was attacked on route to DS9. ( Ep 1 - The Battle of Betazed )

Paxlar, Lt. Jolanar: Trill Former Chief of Operations - USS Highlander. (2377 -77)

Petrice (NPC): (EMH - Emergency Medical Hologram) - USS Highlander. (2375 -??) . Petrice has been programmed quite 'camp', which so far has been of great entertainment to CMO, Commander Inez James. Petrice has been seen 'mincing' around Sickbay.

Picard, Captain Jean Luc: Commanding Officer of the USS Enterprise E. Commanded the Fleet to protect Earth, during the Dominion attack. ( Ep 6 - Battle Earth )

Quark: Bartender at Deep Space Nine. Of questionable repute.

' Red Arrows ': Band of Rogues and Brigands from Draig, a level 2 civilisation, visited by the USS Highlander. ( Ep 7 - Realm of the Dragon )

Revelation USS: Sovereign Class Starship, commanded by Captain Caesar Thorn. The Revelation is part of Janus Fleet.

Ridgewell, CPO Sean (NPC): Security Officer - USS Highlander. (2376 - ??).

Righteous USS: Galaxy Class Starship, commanded by Captain Christopher Larkin. The Righteous is part of Janus Fleet.

Ross, Admiral William: Commander of the Seventh Fleet. Based at Starbase 375.

Rossilino, Captain Luca: Commanding Officer of the USS Testa Rossa.

Saesneg: The Saesneg are a devout culture, with warp capability, who have been warring with their nearest neighbour the Cymraeg for over the last thousand years. The Saesneg are responsible for the capture of Commander Inez James and Lt. Dvorak Aiz.
( Ep 3 - The Rescue.)

Scott, Ensign David:
Former Intel / Strategic / Shuttle Officer - USS Highlander. (2376 - 2376).

Sejanus USS: Defiant Class Starship, destroyed in the Gamma Quadrant. ( Ep 2 - Wherefor Art Thou )

Sejanus USS: Prometheus Class Starship, found adrift in the Gamma Quadrant by the crew of the former Defiant class Sejanus. Receiving a distress signal through the Bajoran Wormhole, the USS Highlander embarks upon a rescue mission to the Gamma Quadrant. Finding the Sejanus, the two ships battle the Dominion Forces as they try to return to the Alpha Quadrant. The Highlander and the Sejanus finally survive and dock at Deep Space Nine. ( Ep 2 - Wherefor Art Thou )

Sela: Romulan Operative, said to be the daughter of former Enterprise Security Chief , Tasha Yar. Sela was responsible to the conflict that erupted on Trigus 111. When confronted, Sela managed to escape the security forces of the USS Highlander. Her whereabouts are still unknown. ( Ep 9 - Fire in the Stone.)

Shu, Lt.Jg. Hindu: Former Intel / Strategic Officer - USS Highlander. (2376 - 2376).

Sian: ( HAIP - Holographic Artificial Intelligence Projection ) Civilian Science / Engineering Member - USS Highlander. (2375 - ??)

Sisko, Captain Benjamin: Commanding Officer of Deep Space Nine and the USS Defiant. Emissary to the Bajoran people. Personal friend of Captain Connare James.

Sorel, Ensign. (NPC): J'Naii female Medical Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 - ??)

Starbase 10: Starfleet Facility in the Beta Quadrant. Lt. Xxeron, former Chief Security / Tactical officer of the USS Highlander was murdered here.

Starbase 375: Starfleet Facility in the Alpha Quadrant, commanded by Admiral William Ross. The Briefing concerning the Serenna was conducted here.

Starbase Janus: Starfleet Facility in the Alpha Quadrant, commanded by Captain Connare James. Orbiting the Serenna Homeworld, this huge monolith once belonged to the Tkon Empire. Now the Headquarters of Janus Fleet.

Stewart, Lt. Aydax: Computer Specialist Officer - USS Highlander. ( 2375 - ?? ).

Sulu, Ensign: Former Vulcan Conn / Operations Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 - 2375)

Sword of St. George: Name of bar on Starbase Janus, styled on an old English Tavern. The bar is owned by a Bolian named Draylon Kaldra.

T'Rii, Lt.Jg : Vulcan female Assistant Chief Science Officer - USS Highlander. (2377 - ??) T'Rii is an extremely unusual Vulcan, showing emotion and donning vibrant red hair.

Taren, Lt. (NPC): J'Naii female Assistant Chief Medical Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 - ??)

Testa Rossa USS: Prometheus Class Starship, commanded by Captain Luca Rossilino. The Testa Rossa is part of Janus Fleet.

Thorn, Captain Caesar : Commanding Officer of the USS Revelation.

Tkon Empire: A defunct interstellar federation that flourished some six hundred thousand years ago. At it's peak, the Tkon Empire had a population numbered in the trillions and was so powerful it was actually capable of moving planets. The Tkon were virtually wiped out when their sun went supernova, but a small number of outposts survived.

Tokyo USS: Galaxy Class Starship, commanded by Captain Theodore Hayes, brother of Lt. Mark Hayes. The Tokyo was lost in the battle to defend Earth from the Dominion Fleet. (Ep 6 - Battle Earth)

Trigus Sector: Sector of space near the Romulan / Klingon Border. ( Ep 9 - Fire in the Stone.)

Trigus 111: One of the first planets used in the Terraforming experiments, the planet is experiencing massive earthquakes. Believed to be the work of revolutionary separists, the crew of the USS Highlander were sent to find these terrorists before they destroyed the planet and the 5 million inhabitants. ( Ep 9 - Fire in the Stone.)

Utopia Planicia: Fleet yards near Mars where the USS Highlander is Launched from. ( Ep 1 - The Battle for Betazed.)


Walker, Cadet. Scott Keiran: Former Cadet Shuttle Pilot - USS Highlander. (2376 -2376)

Wise, Ensign Kerry (NPC) : Operations Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 - ??)

Worf, Ambassador : Former Lt. Commander - Strategic Officer to Deep Space Nine. Worf delivered a fleet of Klingon attack vessels to Trigus 111 to help stop the Romulan Empire for taking control of this Sector of Space. ( Ep 9 - Fire in the Stone.)

Xxeron, Lt. : Former Chief Security / Tactical Officer - USS Highlander. (2375 -2375) . Xxeron was violently murdered at Starbase 10. (Ep 5 - Murder Most Foul)


Zahn: Pirate Raiders from the Serenna Sector. First encountered by the USS Highlander, in 2377, when the Highlander was enroute to the Serenna Homeworld. Ruthless, these pirates will attack before communications are established. Little else is unknown about them at this point in time.

Zahn Raider: Small manoeuvrable fighter use by the Zahn.