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Sita's Despair


Sun rises and sets, moon rises and sets;  it waxes
And wanes and Rama does not come.  Abandoned
Am I?  It's every woman's terror.  Rama!
Doesn't Lakshman know what happened to me?
And what of Jatayu?  Was he never found?
What of my jewels dropped one by one?
Is good gone forever because I fell
For a jeweled deer?   Whatever my part
It cannot take away the wretchedness
When strength is valued more than love or wisdom.
What suffering and poverty of soul is there
When the goal of speech is control of others instead
Of truth, and such a time as that is this.

Surely Fate believes in the reality of numbers
For I live fulfilling my number of days, unwilling.

Who comes for me?
Mother, Queen Kausalya?
Can you come to comfort me?

Who comes for me?
Elder sister, slide on a moonbeam
And we can play sister games
As winter children do.

Who comes for me?
Younger sister, come!
Here is where I need you!

Who comes for me?
Only wretched Ravana
With his gift of death.

Oh Rama!  Oh Lakshmana!

Lord of Death, please come.
With this strip of garment
I invite your visit.
On this tree I'll hang myself.

My Rama, oh Rama my love...

Death, come for me.
Save me from Ravana's wrath.

(HANUMAN) comes and distracts SITA from suicide by repeating the name "Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama!)

  Copyright, Aikya Param, 2000. All rights reserved.



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Shri Rama jaya Rama jaya jaya Rama Om! This page was created by Aikya Param.   Other pages by Aikya include Advaita Vedanta for Today, Hindu Web Grahics, and Promise Award.     Aikya is Co-manager of the Hindu Web Ring with Nitin Namjoshi.  This page was last updated on 06/06/2000.