Hindu Web Graphics
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Scroll down to see:

Bengali bronze Krishna images, including: 

              Krishna Playing Flute
                  Krishna and Radha, and
                  Baby Krishna

Krishna, the Celestial Flute Player
Krishna as Flute Player (murti)
Boy Krishna
Krishna and the Gopas Care for the Cows
Dolai Krishna
Gopis Gather Fruit with Krishna
Radha Krishna 1
Radha Krishna 2
Radha Krishna OM

Radha Krishna Clad in Lotuses
Sri Nathaji
Udupi Krishna

Line drawings of Krishna


Krishna-Bengali.gif (107707 bytes)

Krishna-Radha.gif (134120 bytes)

Krishna-baby.gif (139390 bytes)

krishna6.jpg (52587 bytes)

krishna2.jpg (35965 bytes)


krishna-boy.jpg (59885 bytes)

krishna-cows.jpg (27257 bytes)

krishnadolai.gif (186942 bytes)

krishna-gitacharya.jpg (63294 bytes)

krishna-gopis-fruit.jpg (128262 bytes)

krishna-radha.jpg (146991 bytes)

krishna-radha2.jpg (64536 bytes)

krishna-radha-om.jpg (26888 bytes)

KrishnRadLotus.jpg (79752 bytes)

srinath.jpg (29759 bytes)

krishna-udupi.jpg (33658 bytes)


la-krishna1.jpg (31294 bytes)

la-krishna2.jpg (47537 bytes)


These graphics are presented for your use free of charge.  A link back to this page would be nice so that others can find the resource but it is not required.      


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This page and many of the graphics were created by Aikya Param.   Please send comments and requests to aikya@yahoo.com. This page was last edited on 02/05/00.                               Hit Counter

Other pages by Aikya Param include her resume, Advaita Vedanta for Today, Promise, and Promise Award