Hindu Web Graphics
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parvati.gif (32265 bytes)

Parvati in a hatha yoga pose

parvatiSI.jpg (38411 bytes)

This beautiful image was found on the Devi website created to accompany the Smithsonian Institute's exhibit, also entitled DEVI, to be available in Washington, DC, USA through September 1999

ParvatnursG.jpg (77891 bytes)

This beautiful image was found on the Devi website created to accompany the Smithsonian Institute's exhibit, also entitled DEVI, to be available in Washington, DC, USA through September 1999.  Images of nursing mothers are very rare.  It is postulated that this picture shows an influence from European Christian pictures of hte Madonna and Child Jesus.  It is a 19th century depiction.

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This page and many of the graphics were created by Aikya Param.   Please send comments and requests to aikya@yahoo.com. This page was last edited on 08/01/99.                               Hit Counter

Other pages by Aikya Param include her resume, Advaita Vedanta for Today, Promise, and Promise Award