God's Holy Book

Written by: Paula Wedding
*Used with permission*

As I read that Old and Sacred Book, into my life
I must deeply look. The Old and New Testament
that was inspired, of their precious words I shall
never grow tired.

Through the writings that are within, it shows the
hearts and lives of many men. It is the greatest
book that has ever been, it shows us how to
obtain freedom from sin.

It guides my steps all through the day, and
gives me strength for what's on its way. It
teaches me to daily live, but most of all, it
teaches me how to forgive.

It shows me the power that God can give, if
only through Jesus I choose to live. His word
is something sharp and strong, and it will never
lead me to do wrong.

Through this book I gain new strength each day,
it helps me walk the straight and narrow way.
No matter what my needs should ever be, my
Bible will always comfort me.

Through this precious Book Divine, Oh!
What Peace and Joy my weary soul does find.






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Midi used with permission from
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