Rest In The Midst Of Storms

So many people believe that they can only find
rest when everything is going there way, when
all their needs are met and they feel like they
don't have a care in the world.

God wants all His children to have that place of
rest even when they feel nothing is going right
or it seems that all the powers of darkness are
coming against them.

The Lord says in His word, Come unto me all
ye that are heavy-laden and I will give you rest.
God tells us in this world we will have tribulations
but to be of good cheer, He has overcome this

Through our battles, trials, storms of life we can
have that rest knowing that Jesus said He would
never leave nor forsake us.

So often friends or loved ones might turn away
from us in hard times. Really not understanding
the battle that we are facing. But Jesus will
always be there! He lives on the inside of us.
He is our resting place!

I am reminded of a passage in the Bible where
Jesus was asleep on a boat and His disciples
were with Him. There arose a storm and the
disciples were sore afraid and went to wake Him.

They even asked Him, carest not that we perish?
The Lord rebuked the sea and there was a calm.
He spoke to the waves Peace Be Still.

Jesus asked them why did you doubt? This is
an example for us. Jesus is on our boat of life
with us He still calms the seas and speaks to
the waves.

The Lord does not want us to lose that place
of rest in Him! We always need to realize that
we have the Peace Speaker on the inside of us.

If you are facing a storm in your life, run to Jesus!
He will speak to the waves and calm the seas. He
may not take you 'out' of the storm right away but
know that He will sustain you as you're going
through it!





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