The Story Of Soul

There once was a man named Soul who was walking in a garden. He was whistling a real sweet tune for he was saved and had the joy of the Lord. But he was a baby Christian. As he was walking a beautiful and seductive woman came out from behind a tree. Soul was very startled. He said, Hello, I'm Soul, what is your name?

She replied, I am Temptation, I have what you want. What do I want? replied Soul. You want to do all things which are of the flesh, said Temptation. Soul replied, all right then, lead me. So he and Temptation went off and fulfilled the desires of the flesh. When Soul returned to the garden, he met a man named Condemnation.

 Condemnation said, Hey, I see you have met my friend Temptation. Soul said, Yes, who are you? I am  Condemnation, I come after Temptation we work hand-in-hand. And for the time that you have spent with Temptation you now have a debt that you must repay.

Then Condemnation jumped on Soul's back and began to beat him. He hit him in the face and kicked him when he was down. This went on for several days. On about the third day a man named Mercy came running and said..

I command you Condemnation to stop beating Soul. Condemnation snickered, Make me. So Mercy unsheathed his sword and cut Condemnation in two.

As Soul watched in astonished pain, he was overwhelmed by the power of, Mercy. Mercy walked up to Soul and said, I have dealt with Condemnation before. He should not show up around you anymore.

Soul replied, How can I ever thank you? Well, replied Mercy, I was sent here by God, and He told me to introduce you to a dear friend of mine. His name is Redemption.

Redemption walked up and said, Hello Soul, I see that you are not doing well. Soul replied, Not until Mercy came along. It is a pleasure to meet you Redemption. Well, said Redemption, I am glad to meet you, but are you ready to accept me? What do you mean? asked Soul.

Redemption said, Well, when you accepted Jesus and decided to walk with Him, you chose to accept the things of Him and His love. I am a part of Jesus' love. I help you feel forgiven. You will never have to deal with Condemnation again. Temptation may come around, but I have someone I would like for you to meet that can help you with that. His name is Grace.

Grace walked up to Soul and said, Hello Soul, I have been waiting for you. As a matter of fact all three of us have been waiting to meet you. I will help take you out of the way of Temptation whenever she comes around. There is one more person we want you to meet ...
his name is Faith.

Hi Soul, I am Faith, and I will help you stay strong and keep your beliefs strong, said Faith. Soul began to cry. When he began to cry Redemption said, It's going to be ok, this is what we are here for Soul. Jesus gives you his Mercy to redeem you, and keeps you saved by Grace through Faith. Jesus loves you Soul.
Soul said, And I love Jesus.

~Author Unknown~





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Midi used with permission, and is entitled
Conversations With My Soul
© 2001 Bruce DeBoer