Bridget at 4 years old, Isn't she adorable :)

Dedicated to my precious daughter Bridget.

I love you sweetie :)

When God gave me you, He gave me a
most precious gift. A wonderful daughter
to raise up in His love to cherish, and uplift.

When you are feeling down I will be there
for you. I will understand the hard times that
you are going through.

It seems we know what the other one will think and
 say, laughter's heard even on a rainy day.

 I am so thankful for the gift
God gave to me, that makes my life joyful,
makes my life complete.

I will dry your tears, and I
know that you will dry mine. We are there
for each other not some, but all of the time.

 Bridget, you are such a special gift from above.
I am so thankful that God sent you for me
to raise, cherish, and to love.

Love Mom :)

Written for my Daughter Bridget © 2001





Please sign Bridget's guestbook, and let her know that you visited

her dedication page.

The link to this Guestbook will go to her Site's Guestbook.

God bless you, and thank you so much for visiting this very special page.


Please Sign Bridget's Guestbook :)



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Bridget is now 16 teen :)

** Here is a beautiful award that my daughter Bridget,  had my mom
(her Granny) to make and sent it to me after she viewed her
dedication page :)
Thank you sweetie**

A wonderful place to visit :)

Midi used with permission from
 New Song Online