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Manikmaya or Batara Guru
and His spouse
Dewi Uma

Manikmaya alias Batara Guru, Son of Hyang Tunggal accompanied by a Cow called Adhini which was believed as a daughter of genie Patanam. Manikmaya defeated Adhini and use her as his personal vehicle. Manikmaya married Dewi Uma or Umaji. Adhini took revenge to Manikmaya and cursed his marriage life with Umi.So that Manikmaya and Betara Umi became enemies with each others.

Batari Durga
smal size = 3,373 100x148 pixel
large size = 21,298 301x444 pixel

Betara Kala
smal size = 3,327 100x155 pixel
large size = 15,639 258 x400 pixel

Sons of Manikmaya

betara Indra
smal size = 3,002 100x145 pixel
large size = 17,665 258 x400 pixel

Sang Hyang Bayu
smal size = 2,752 100x145 pixel
large size = 15,087 276 x 400 pixel

Sang Hyang Wisnu

smal size = 2,536 100x150 pixel
large size = 17,852 271 x401 pixel

Sang Hyang Brama

smal size = 2,549 100x145 pixel
large size = 27,757 385 x 559 pixel

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Updated, April 1999.-